Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 11 December 2018
Circular Economy: The Beauty of Circularity in Value Chain
Shaharia Pavel
Siam University, Thailand

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Thought of Circular economy (CE) or circularity is widely accepted by corporations, academics and social & environmental concern individuals and organizations that create new opportunities & challenges to adapt and practicing in industry and customers. This model is sustainable in terms of a win-win situation from producers' and customers' ends; both are benefited from value proposition to consumption by ensuring economic, social and environmental well-being. The circular economy is all about circularity, and execution in the value chain. This research has been conducted by the qualitative method through mini literature review, studying business case, stakeholders' website, books, and journals. This paper aims to draw a framework of circularity in the value chain and to understand how circularity works in it and stimulates organizations to gain competitiveness and sustainability.
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