Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 17 February 2024
Barriers to Entrepreneurial Intentions of Rural Women: A Case Study in North Western Province, Sri Lanka
Lakmini K. Herath
International Christian University, Japan

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Pages: 55-71
Keywords: Barriers, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Intention, Rural Women
Micro and small-scale entrepreneurship is essential in alleviating poverty and promoting development. This study examines the statistically significant effect of sixteen barriers on rural women's entrepreneurial intention using primary data obtained through a structured questionnaire from 213 rural women who have participated in the North Western Province's Department of Rural Development's skills development program in Sri Lanka. Furthermore, this article examines the impact of demographic factors (age, marital status, highest level of education, number of children, and monthly household income) on rural women's entrepreneurial intentions using an analysis of variance. Findings indicated that lack of confidence in the business idea and lack of necessary practical details to start a firm have a statistically significant negative effect on entrepreneurial intention. Furthermore, marital status has a statistically significant impact on entrepreneurial intention. The study is critical because its findings fill a gap in the literature through quantitative analysis of the barriers facing rural women in entrepreneurial start-ups. It will aid in developing more effective government policies and planning decisions related to rural women's entrepreneurship development.
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