Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 11 June 2021
Analysis of Banking Risk, Good Corporate Governance, Capital and Earning Influences on the Indonesia’s Commercial Bank Performances
M. Nuruddin Subhan
Universitas Pancasila, Indonesia

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Pages: 218-230
Keywords: Performance, Bank, Risk, Good Governance, Capital, Earning
This study aims to analyze the effect of commercial bank soundness in Indonesia based on Bank Indonesia regulation number 13/24/DPNP date 25 October 2011, which concern on the implementation guide for Bank Regulation in Indonesia number 13/1/PBI/ 2011 on assessment of bank healthy. In general, those assessments cover risks, good corporate governance (GCG), earning and capital. While, the performance of commercial bank is measured based on credit growth and profit growth. A total of 45 commercial banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange are the population of the study which will be analyzed using the structural equation modeling program - partial least square (SEM-PLS). The results show that credit risk, GCG and earnings have no effect on bank’s performance in Indonesia. Market risk, liquidity risk and capital negatively affect the performance of commercial banks in Indonesia. This research is expected to contribute to the policy making of central banks and also commercial bank organization in particular to improve their performance. This research also contributes to the theory by enriching the discussion on related themes.
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