Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 29 September 2023
The Effect of Copper Mineral, Copper Sulfate and Copper Nanoparticles on Fish
Mohammad Hakim Hormat, Hasan Karimy
Bamyan University

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Pages: 26-32
Keywords: Aquatic Animals, Copper, Compounds, Growth, Nanoparticles, Sulfate
Copper is a mineral element that is widely found in nature and is very important for humans and aquatic animals as an essential element for the growth and development of fish and also in the activity of biochemical enzymes and in processes such as blood production, immune system, The production of energy molecules and salt water balance plays an important role in the fish body. Its deficiency in water can lead to growth and health problems in fish. Its compounds, such as copper sulfate and copper nanoparticles, can have various effects on fish. Copper sulfate is usually used as a source of copper in fish feed. Its consumption in nutrition can improve the growth of fish, strengthen the structure of bones and maintain their immune system. However, too much copper sulfate can be toxic and cause problems such as skin irritation, discoloration, scratched gills and even fish death.
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