Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 17 March 2021
Spatial and Functional Relations of Indigenous Farms Around La Cocha Lagoon in Southern Colombia
Carlos Ceballos
Yangtze University, China

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Pages: 24-37
Keywords: Indigenous Agriculture, Agroecology, Agroecosystems, Quillacingas, Spatial Relation
Regarding global environmental crisis, the effort of various institutions to reduce hunger have not yet been enough. The dominant model of extensive agro-industry reveals a serious problem of instability, due to the use of agrochemicals and the non-rotation of crops. In this context, the academic community is increasingly interested in alternative agricultural models such as indigenous agriculture. Indigenous communities from the Andes have inherited highly complex agroecological systems whose practices for stability could be replicated in other agricultural models around the world. This qualitative research focuses on the functional and / or spatial relations of the traditional indigenous farms of the Quillacinga ethnic group in southern Colombia and seeks to verify that their practices coincide with what is exposed in authority texts. These relations and their role in the stability of soil fertility are explained through diagrams. The information collected can be expanded and contrasted with other studies on other Andean ethnic groups. These studies would seek to make a contribution to reduce the instability of the extensive agro-industrial model and potentially contribute to reduce hunger in the world.
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