Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 11 September 2018
Solar Cells: Module Temperature and Maximum Power Tracking
Ahmad Ullah Tahid
Islamic Azzad Izzad, Iran

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Photovoltaic cell has become the most utilized renewable energy resource for the production of power directly from the sun radiations but it has comparatively lower efficiency than other power producing sources and is expensive too. Out of many reasons of lower efficiency of PV cells; some factors are studied in this work i.e. temperature of the module, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) and the efficiency of energy transformation. From the experimentation it was concluded that the rise in the temperature of solar cell, after an optimum level, declines its efficiency by 0.5% for each unit rise in temperature (/°C). So an appropriate method should be adopted to control the temperature of the panel. The energy conversion efficiency was increased with the reduction in the reflection of the incident rays coming from the sun, so that more photons are absorbed by the cell thus achieving increment in energy conversion and MPPT adjust the working point of PV cell under varying intensity of sunrays which is achieved when the tracker changes the solar cell’s equivalent load.
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