Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 05 August 2022
Numerical Analysis of Frictional Drag Reduction of Watercraft Using Water Lubrication Technique
Atilla Uygar Sönmez, Vijayan S. N.
Gaziantep University (Turkey), Karpagam Institute of Technology (India)

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Pages: 18-29
Keywords: Watercraft, Friction, Drag Reduction, Water Jet, Flow, ANSYS
The majority of the energy expended by watercraft is used to overcome drag. Frictional resistance can account for up to 80 % of overall resistance, especially on large vessels, which leads to an increase the fuel consumption and environmental impacts. As a result, finding strategies to reduce frictional drag is interesting. There are numerous strategies for reducing drag that have already been proposed that are air lubrication techniques, boundary layer energizing, and suction is few of the examples. This study proposes a new way of reducing drag this method is known as water lubrication. To create adverse flow, water jets are used to split the flow. The formation of an auspicious boundary layer ore sluggish boundary layer surrounding the surface it reduces drag significantly. Separation is generally undesired since it expands the wake zone and as a result it produces drags. In flat plate separation it does not significantly enlarge the wake region. Separations form a slow or adversely directed layer on the flat plate if they are created and positioned correctly. This is demonstrated in this study through the use of ANSYS Fluent simulation. Also, with water jet velocities of 3 to 15 m/s drag reductions of 17 % to 134 % have been achieved.
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