Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 25 December 2023
Motorhomes as a Housing Alternative for the Indonesian Millennial Generation
Aryo Akbar Aldiansyah
Universitas Islam Indonesia

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Pages: 70-78
Keywords: Motorhome, Flexibility, Nomadic, Dwelling, Millenials
Motorhomes/campervans are a long-standing fad that is currently making a resurgence in all parts of the world. Because of the versatility of the motorhome, this lifestyle has grown in popularity, not only among hippies, but also among families who wish to have fun or live a nomadic (moving) existence, especially with the rapid rise of the Internet of Things. We can learn from the Covid-19 pandemic that work and study can be done anywhere, whether at home, in recreational spaces, in third rooms, and so on. Motorhomes can now be purchased at reasonable costs. Furthermore, the motorhome can be customized to meet your specific demands and functions. Motorhomes can be created from simple automobiles using any car foundation, such as an MPV, Van, SUV, Middle Size Bus, Full Size Bus, or even a sedan, rather than full size RVs with big proportions and luxurious equipment. The purpose of this study is to define the motorhome/campervan concept and its potential as an alternative housing type. Furthermore, the potential is fairly large for Indonesian millennials, who appear to have a lot of issues on housing ownership mostly because the affrodability (economic) aspect and also considering the raising on nomadic and flexible lifestyle. Motorhomes are an excellent option to economical housing since they are mobile, have flexible layouts, and provide a comfortable living space especially for Youth Indonesia’s Millenial who’s carving for a unique experience.
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