Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 22 April 2020
Local Wisdom in Reducing Greenhouse Effect on Balinese Traditional Settlement Patterns in Bongli Village, Bali, Indonesia
I Made Adhika, Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra
Udayana University, Indonesia

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Pages: 23-33
Keywords: Local Wisdom, Traditional Settlements Patterns, Greenhouse Effect
In general, housing and settlement development will have the effect of global warming, with different scale of effects. Warming occurs, not only because of the dominant built area but also due to the use of materials and equipment that can increase the comfort of the inhabitants. In Bongli Village, settlement patterns are arranged in such a way based on traditional procedures, by structuring the building period, as well as the shape of the building. Can traditional settlement and building arrangements reduce the greenhouse effect? The article discusses the patterns of settlements and buildings arranged in a traditional way related to the occurrence of the greenhouse effect such as the construction of housing and settlements at the present time. To achieve this, an understanding of the greenhouse effect from housing construction activities was carried out. To get data on traditional Balinese settlement patterns, field observations were made in Bongli Village to observe settlement patterns and the arrangement of buildings and their effects on global warming. Field observations will be narrated qualitatively in relation to the greenhouse effect. The results of field observations and discussions showed that Balinese Architecture and traditional housing and settlement patterns in the Village of Bongli, the building layout, as well as the building period used local materials, open spaces, so as to reduce energy use. Energy reduction due to functional buildings, so that during the day save electricity. Likewise, natural energy can reduce energy usage which means it can reduce the possibility of a greenhouse effect.
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