Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 09 December 2023
Evaluation of the Short-Term Summer Internship Program: A Process-Driven Study at OpenZeka
Neslihan Kurt
OpenZeka Teknoloji A.S.

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Pages: 56-69
Keywords: OpenZeka, Summer Internship, Process-Driven Study
This study evaluated the effectiveness of a summer internship program at OpenZeka, an AI company, in Ankara, in 2021. For this study, a process-oriented qualitative research technique was used. To ensure validity, details such as participant and colleague confirmation and flexibility in the research process were given attention. In order to guarantee the dependability of the research, the researcher's location was specified, a conceptual framework was developed, multiple data were gathered from participants in the social setting where the application was implemented, and the methods of analysis utilized were thoroughly explained. After conducting reviews and analysis, we evaluated a summer internship program and discussed the results from different perspectives. Our recommendations section offers various suggestions to interns, implementing companies, and researchers on how to ensure the success of a short-term internship program and how it can be improved.
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