Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 28 March 2022
Design of Land Selection Model for Sustainable Rice Field Direction Using SIG Technology in Kurik District of Merauke of Papua
Susanto, Irene Ike Praptiwi
UNMUS Merauke, Indonesia

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Pages: 1-8
Keywords: Sustainable Rice Fields, Rice Productivity, SIG, Kurik District
Kurik District is a rice production center in Merauke Regency. The use of rice field agricultural land in Kurik District needs to be optimized for improving community welfare and the road to national food sovereignty. Until now Kurik District has not established the existence of sustainable rice fields in order to maintain food security. Determination of sustainable rice fields must be adjusted to the actual conditions of rice fields, such as water availability conditions, land intensity and rice productivity. In determining sustainable rice fields can be identified using the help of remote sensing imagery. This study aims to 1) review the ability of Landsat 8 image for interpretation of rice farming intensity based on the planting calendar 2) to find out the distribution of sustainable rice fields based on actual land criteria. Sustainable rice fields are determined by using matching methods against established criteria. The criteria that have been set consist of interrelated parameters, such as water availability, field intensity, and rice productivity. In determining the direction of sustainable rice fields first, a visual interpretation of the image of the sharpening image fussion to find out the condition of water availability, the intensity of the land with multitemporal imagery based on the planting calendar, and landform units. The results of this study have been made a model of sustainable rice field selection in Kurik District of Merauke Regency Papua.
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