Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 07 September 2022
Construction Procurement: A View from Europe
Slavica Joković
Independent Consultant and Visiting Lecturer

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Pages: 30-37
Keywords: Construction, Public Works Contract, Work, Public Procurement, Directive on Public Procurement
This paper examines the main characteristics of construction procurement and analyses the country`s case of Serbia. With particular reference to the new Law on Public Procurement in Serbia and the European Union Directive on Public Procurement (Directive 2014/24/EU), this article describes some features of construction procurement regarding bidding documents, requirements for participation in public procurement and public procurement procedures. Furthermore, for the purpose of this analysis, the common definitions of work and public works contracts are included, as well as some specific situations. In addition, it gives an overview of the relevant legislative provisions to be taken into account when procuring construction works. Afterward, the paper points out the complexity and importance of construction procurement as well as the need to reduce irregularities in procurement procedures. Finally, concluding remarks are included.
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