Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 22 April 2019
Concrete Specification and Methods of Quality Testing
Khalid Abdel Naser Abdel Rahim
University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal

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Pages: 38-54
Keywords: Concrete Specification, Quality Testing, Compressive Strength, Carbonation Depth, ASTM Rapid Chloride Permeability, NDT Chloride, ISAT-10
This manuscript is about the concrete specification. The concrete specification testing is a process by which dif-ferent tests are carried out such as compressive strength, carbonation depth, ASTM rapid chloride permeability, NDT chloride and initial surface absorption test (ISAT-10) to determine the quality and performance of the con-crete in terms of strength, carbonation depth, chloride permeability and surface absorption.
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