Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 20 April 2023
Assessment of Genetic Configuration Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Cultivars
Mohammad Din Rostazada, Zainullah Hazim, Jaffar Shirzad, Mohammad Amin Sharifi
Bamyan University

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Pages: 34-41
Keywords: Brassica napus L. Cultivar, Haplotype Block, SNP Marker, Pedigree. Genetic Structure
Empathetic the inherited configuration of rapeseed cultivars is a precondition to consider phylogenetic pedigree, population structure, haplotype block in the target population. In this investigation, from different regions we have 85 rapeseeds (Brassica napus L.) cultivars. DNA was extracted by using CTAB method. Phylogenetic pedigree, haplotype block and SNP hotspots, Population structure is analyzed by using the 5058 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms SNP markers to this research 85 rapeseed cultivars were considered. Phylogenetic was analyzed by using Power Marker software and MEGA software, HaploView was using to analysis the haplotype block, population structures were analyzed by using population structure software 2.3.4 manual user as K increasing sidewise from 1 into 10, recording ΔK valency shown at K=2 hence, 85 rapeseed cultivar were divided into two subcategories, P1subgroups including 13 cultivars and P2 subcategory including 72 cultivars, SNP hotspots determined by using map chart software. In this research, the haplotype block analysis presented that the SNP markers number in A sub genome is more than the C sub genome, the block numbers on chromosomes A06 and C03 are greater than the other chromosomes and the lowest block number is on chromosome C09. The hotspots of SNP were defined by SNP position, mutation frequency, and the number of SNPs per 100Kbp on the chromosome. The phylogenetic pedigree was constructed, neighbor-joining was built based on genetic similarity and kinship. In this study, 85 rapeseeds are branched into 12 major groups.
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