Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 13 November 2018
Analysis of Ground Water Quality for Wudil Town Kano State, Nigeria
A. Saminu, RL. Batagarawa, IA. Chukwujama, A. Dadan Garba
Nigerian Defence Academy, Nigeria

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The need for potable water is necessary for the well-being of any community. The study was conducted to evaluate the groundwater quality of Wudil town Kano state (Nigeria). Groundwater samples were collected from 4 boreholes (wells) from high and low densely populated areas and analyzed for 10 water quality parameters, based on the analysis conducted it was observed that almost 70% of the parameters analyzed exceeded the prescribed limit for both WHO and NSDWQ standards for the case of the samples collected from densely populated areas, while the results of the samples for the low densely populated areas were found to be in conformity with the two standards. 25% were found to be within the two standards standard for the samples from both areas, while the remaining 5% were below the standards for the two areas respectively.
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