Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 03 June 2022
An Evaluating of the Broader Economic Benefit of the Medan-Binjai Toll road on National Highway Performance
Ridwan Anas, Irwan S. Sembiring, Ika Puji Hastuty
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

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Pages: 25-31
Keywords: Economic Benefit, Traffic Diversion, Road Performance, Remaining Service of Life
The development of toll roads provides a number of improved services to the road users, connectivity, and their existence can promote the equitable development of a region. The use of toll roads has a variety of impacts on economic issues. The quality of pavement gradually declines along with the increase in pavement service ages and heavy traffic load. After toll operated, over the years the number and characteristics of traffic on national highway have changed. The impact of diverting traffic from the national highway route, will reduce the traffic congestion and improve pavement performance. This paper presents a case study of the wider impact of the toll road investment based on national highway pavement performance and remaining service of life. A scenario is provided to distinguish the traffic diversion from national highway. The imposing toll road would increase the remaining service life of the national highway performance for approximately 6 years from the initial design. Medan-Binjai toll road investment provided high-quality of transport system and on other hand gained a wider benefit for saving the national highway preservation’s budget.
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