Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 08 February 2023
The Process of Transferring Knowledge through Grand Songs Among the Dong Ethnic Group in Southeast Guizhou, China
Hang Cao, Narongruch Woramitmaitree
Mahasarakham University

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Pages: 262-270
Keywords: Grand Song, Dong Ethnic, Transferring Knowledge
This study used the qualitative research method. The objectives were to describe the process of transferring knowledge through the grand songs of the Dong ethnic group in Southeast Guizhou, China. There are three main informants. The research process includes literature reviews, field investigation methods, and interview methodologies. The study's results show that people not only learn songs but also gain education, enjoyment, history, and personality from singing. Moreover, the Grand Song, with its important academic value, unique artistic value, elegant style, and green ecological economic value, has become a symbol of the integration of ethnic culture.
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