Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 28 December 2021
The Influence of Pop Up Notification on Visual Attention and Learning
Muhammad Aditya Pratama, Yayu Hizza Anisa, Nur Amilah, Arry Avorizano, Rizki Edmi Edison
University of Muhammadiyah Prof Dr HAMKA (Indonesia), Brain Beta Lab (Indonesia)

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Pages: 484-491
Keywords: Tutorial Video, Pop Up Notification, Eye Tracking
The tutorial videos contain an explanation of a learning material taught to students. The use of tutorial videos is common during the COVID-19 pandemic. This situation makes the teachers change the learning model into a video conferences or tutorial videos. However, the use of tutorial videos is often accompanied by opening other applications in parallel causing pop-up notifications to appear. The pop-up notification makes students not focus on the material explained in the tutorial videos. This raises the question of whether it will affect the learning process in understanding the learning material. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the influence of pop-up notifications on tutorial videos. Eye movements of all participants (N = 50) were recorded when viewing tutorial videos on various operating systems with or without the pop-up notification. Based on the results, after being shown a tutorial videos with a pop-up notification, participants paid attention to the pop-up notification. However, there were no significant differences in learning outcomes of students after viewing tutorial videos with or without pop-up notification.
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