Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 05 April 2021
The Effect of Personality on the Intention of Undergraduate Accounting Students to be a Public Accountant
Sinta Setiana, Aurora Angela, Hanny, Reynard Tandayu
Maranatha Christian University, Indonesia

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Pages: 1-7
Keywords: Public Accountant, Carrier Prospect, Holland Personality Types
A public accountant becomes one of the graduate profiles of the undergraduate accounting students at Maranatha Christian University. To decide on a career as a public accountant, ideally, the students have to possess the investigative or conventional personality as the primary code of Holland, besides carrier prospect. If they do not have one of two personality types, it will not be easy for them to work in this field. The objective research is to prove and analyze the effect of personality on the students who choose a public accountant career. The validity and reliability tests get done on carrier prospect first before analyzing data by a logistic regression model. After examining data and discussing the hypothesis testing results, this study infers that the conventional personality students positively tend to select the carrier as a public accountant. Similarly, this tendency applies to the carrier prospect impact.
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