Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799
Published: 18 July 2022
Online Program to Develop Teachers to Enhance Students’ Adaptability Skills
Manmit Athan, Witoon Thacha
Mahamakut Buddhist University, Thailand
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Pages: 97-109
Keywords: Adaptability skills, Online program, Self-learning, Research and Development (R&D)
This research aimed to develop an online program for the development of the teachers' skills to enhance the students' adaptability. The research materials consisted of the teacher's learning manuals and teacher guidelines for student development. Based on the Research and Development (R&D) methodology, the implication of the R1&D1 and the R4&D4 steps, six sets of teacher's learning manuals, and one workshop manual were obtained. Then the R5&D5, the one group pretest-posttest experimental research methodology, was used with 15 teachers and 324 students in the Faculty of Education of Mahamakut Buddhist University, Isan Campus. These groups of samples were randomized to adequately represent the population of the main campus of Mahamakut Buddhist University and its other campuses. It was observed that the online lessons developed for this research could significantly increase the teacher's post-test scores that meet the reference criteria of 90/90. As for the students, their post-test scores on adaptability skills were significantly higher than the scores observed in the pre-test. This showed that the online programs developed in this research are effective educational innovations. This result ascertains that the findings from this research can be disseminated for the benefit of the target population from all campuses of Mahamakut Buddhist University.
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