Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 26 April 2021
Higher Education in Pakistan: Challenges, Opportunities, Suggestions
Khan Ghulam Murtaza, Liu Hui
Guangzhou University, China

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Pages: 213-219
Keywords: Pakistan Higher Education, Challenges, Suggestions
Higher education provides opportunities to censoriously reveal the cultural, moral, socio-economic, and spiritual issues faced by the human race. Pakistan's higher education system has many institutional drawbacks includes a lack of quality management, institutional structure, and knowledge gaps between cross-culture educations systems to improve the efficiency of the current higher education system in Pakistan. To make Pakistan an educational center, Pakistan must strengthen the education system by developing modern technology and higher education. This study focuses on low enrolment and dropout gaps, quality and quantity of higher education standards, infrastructure, facilities, and low-quality teaching methods. This study summarizes these problems with suggestions to improve higher education standards and quality through cross-culture developments, performance standards, teaching methods, and examination reforms in Pakistan's higher education system.
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