Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 10 May 2021
Examining the Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes of Associate-Degree Vocational School Students in a CAS-Supported Environment: Limit-Continuous Sample
Elif Ertem Akbaş
Van Yuzuncu Yıl University, Turkey

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Pages: 312-328
Keywords: Vocational School Associate-Degree Students, CAS, SOLO, Limit-Continuity
This study aimed to learn the learning outcomes of associate-degree students attending a Vocational School (VS) in a CAS-supported learning environment within the scope of the limit-continuity subject. The study was conducted using the action research method, and the worksheets prepared by Ertem Akbaş (2016) were used. While evaluating and interpreting the VS students’ learning outcomes, the SOLO taxonomy was preferred. The study group included 32 VS associate-degree students in Turkey. Within the framework of the research problem, detailed information was provided about what level of the SOLO taxonomy the students’ learning outcomes corresponded to. The learning outcomes of the VS students were found to be below the relational structure level according to SOLO taxonomy in the environment where the CAS software was used. Thanks to the CAS software, the quality of the pre-structure level and uni-structure level learning outcomes of VS students increased to and over the multi-structure level.
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