

Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799







Published: 30 April 2021
Development of Verbal Games Achievement Test of Primary School 3rd Grade Science Lesson “Let’s Know About Substance” Unit
Abdulkadir Sağlam, İbrahim Yüksel, Ömer Erbasan
Ministry of National Education (Turkey), Gazi University (Turkey)

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Pages: 481-496
Keywords: Let’s Know About Substance, Science, Verbal Intelligence Games, Third Grade
The aim of the study is to develop an achievement test consisting of the questions in verbal intelligence games whose validity and reliability have been ensured and which are in accordance with the learning outcomes of the states of substance and knowing the properties of substance via the five senses taking place in the unit “Let’s Know About Substance” in primary school 3rd grade science lesson. In this framework; the games of find with code, anagram, the deleted word, deficient word and word tour being from the verbal intelligence games have been used in the test. Scanning method from quantitative research methods has been used during the development process of the test. Question inventory has been formed by the researchers. Content validity of the test has been carried out by preparing table of specifications and reliability calculations of the test have been carried out upon the data attained from 187 primary school third grade students in different cities of Turkey with random sampling method for the purpose of having a pilot study. The reliability coefficient for Primary School Third Grade Science Lesson “Let’s Know About Substance” Unit Verbal Games Achievement Test has been found as (α) 0.92. Cronbach Alpha The mean item difficulty and distinctiveness indexes of the test have been calculated with the conducted item analysis. Findings show that the developed achievement test is a valid and reliable test. An achievement test consisting of 15 items and three factors as coding games, circle games and word games, in which the distinctiveness of all questions is at sufficient level, which is at a difficulty level close to the average, whose mean difficulty index is at medium level, which is valid and whose points are highly reliable and which has been formed with verbal intelligence games has been developed within the direction of the aim of the study.
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