Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 13 March 2020
Development and Validation of the Ethical Climate Questionnaire in a Saudi Educational Context
Saleh Ali Y. Alqarni, Abdulrahman Hamed Alsulami, Ali Hasan Alqarni, Mohammad Akron Alfadeel, Khushnoor Khan
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia

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Pages: 93-102
Keywords: Ethical climate, Validation, Confirmatory factor analysis, Educational Context
The present study focuses on studying the psychometric properties of Ethical Climate Questionnaire (ECQ) in Saudi educational milieu. It is a cross-sectional study and the data was collected from 309 educational supervisors from six educational offices of General Department of Education in Jeddah. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was carried out to study the psychometric properties of the EC scale. Kuder Richardson's Cronbach's coefficient 'α’ was used to assess the reliability of the nine dimensions of the EC scale. Findings of the study revealed that nine dimensions of the EC scale had a good model fit. Hence, it is suggested that EC scale is valid and reliable for use within the educational context in Saudi Arabia. This study also compares the findings of the current study with previous findings. Results of the present study will provide much-needed impetus for future research in EC particularly, within the educational organizations throughout Saudi Arabia and generally in other Arab countries of the region.
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