Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 29 April 2021
An Application Example for The Teaching Fractions with the Developed Digital Fraction Transparency Material
Ege University (Turkey), Ministry of National Education, Eserkent Middle School (Turkey)

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Pages: 249-263
Keywords: Elementary Education, Fractions, Teaching Material, Digital Fraction Transparency
The aim of the current study is to investigate the effects of digital teaching materials on 4th graders' academic achievement on fractions subject and attitudes towards mathematics and computers. The study was planned with a pretest and posttest control group design. The participants of the study were 60 students studying in a public elementary school in Karabağlar district of İzmir province. Through a pilot study, groups were selected to administer an academic achievement test to all fourth classes in the school. Initial analyses suggested A and E classes" achievement scores did not differ significantly; thus, these classes were included in the study. Class A with 32 students was randomly selected as the experimental group. 55% (n = 33) of the participants were male and 45% (n = 27) were female. The experimental group received technology-enhanced presentations, whereas the control group had traditional presentations from the same teacher. Participants had access to interactive digital materials within course hours on the classroom computer. The study took four weeks (16 course hours). Data were collected through fractions achievement test, mathematics attitude scale and computer attitude scale. Results revealed no significant differences between achievement and computer attitudes scores of the groups. However, the mathematics attitudes scores show significant differences between groups.
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