Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799
Published: 07 September 2024
A Badiouian Look at Education: Event and its Potential Effect on Curriculum
Masoud Niati
Marmara University
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Pages: 189-198
Keywords: Ontology, Curriculum, Set Theory, Truth Procedures
This study proposes a novel framework for curriculum design, drawing upon the philosophy of Alain Badiou. The crux of this study lies in the significance of Badiouian events pertaining to science, politics, and art. These events possess the potential to disrupt the established order of knowledge, thereby fostering the emergence of innovative forms of schooling and curriculum policy formulation. Badiou’s truth procedures - science, art, politics, offer conceptual tools to faithful subjects, enabling them to innovate in curriculum design. Each fidelity procedure related to an event can yield diverse outcomes. As per Badiou’s assertion, the further the fidelity procedure is from the state, the more creative the outcome will be. A noteworthy point is the application of set theory axioms by Badiou in his magnum opus, ‘Being and Event.’ It is posited that set theory itself harbors the potential to generate conceptual tools for comprehending the intricacies of curriculum design and development. Finally, a pivotal question this study addresses is whether educators and philosophers of education can construct a new educational system from the existing one using Badiou’s philosophy.
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