Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 22 April 2022
What is ‘Self-Help’? Self-Help Group Case-Study in Phnom Penh with Applying Most Significant Change Analyze
Taizo Yokoyama
National University of Laos

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Pages: 68-83
Keywords: SHG, Self-Help Group, Most Significant Change, Cambodia, South-East Asia, Indochina
The study explores the dynamism of Self-Help and Self-Help Groups in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, by drawing on multiple narratives of International Organizations, NGOs and Self-Help Groups (n=11). The research is qualitative in nature, conducting semi-structured interviews and attempts to depict the developmental processes of SHG with applying the originally customized Most Significant Change methodology. The result indicates ‘sangkhum’ (‘confidence’ and ‘hope’ in Khmer) is a key element for Self-Help spirit, which developed itself through encountering significant persons and social participation. It is also recognized that the concept of Self-Help ought to be grasped as a dynamism of continuum with listening-thinking-action in dialogical interaction with existing society fueled by passion for innovation (pathos of novelty).
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