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Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute
Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute

Journal of Social and Political


ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)

ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
open access

Published: 25 March 2025

Weaving Meaning in Old Age: Communication Resilience of the Elderly in Facing Post-Retirement Syndrome

Rifqi Abdul Aziz, Pawito Pawito, Mahendra Wijaya, Andre N. Rahmanto

Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

journal of social and political sciences
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Pages: 233-246

Keywords: Communication Resilience, Post-Retirement Syndrome, Elderly, Social Support


This study explores the communication experience of the elderly in dealing with Post-Retirement Syndrome (PRS) with a qualitative approach through in-depth interviews with nine informants. The results of the study show that the communication patterns of the elderly have undergone significant changes after retirement, both in interaction with their families, peers, and social communities. Some seniors experience increased communication with their partners and family members due to more time at home, while others feel that their social interactions are reduced due to reduced regular activities outside the home. This study found that the shift in roles in the family is one of the factors that affect the communication of the elderly. After retirement, many elderly people are no longer the main decision-makers in the family economy, but rather play a role in household activities and grandchild care. On the other hand, the digital divide is an obstacle to communication with the younger generation, especially for the elderly who are not familiar with technology. However, older adults who have strong social support, community involvement, and flexible communication approaches are more likely to adapt to these changes. Therefore, this study highlights the importance of interpersonal communication, the use of digital technology, and social involvement in helping the elderly live their retirement better.


1. Introduction


Retirement is an important phase in a person's life that brings various changes, both in economic, social, and psychological aspects. Old age, the last stage of the life cycle, is the normal developmental stage that everyone goes through when they reach old age. This is a reality that not everyone can avoid (Notoatmodjo, 2005). For some seniors, retirement can be an opportunity to enjoy free time, explore hobbies, and spend more time with family. For others, however, retirement presents new challenges, including feelings of loss of identity, reduced social activity, and changes in communication patterns with the surrounding environment. These changes affect every aspect of life, including health. Psychological changes in the elderly include changes in learning, thinking, creativity, memory, and sense of humor (Hurlock, 2011). Stress, depression, unhappiness feeling lost self-esteem and honor are some of the things experienced by those affected by post-retirement syndrome (Rahmat, 2016).This condition is often associated with Post-Retirement Syndrome (PRS), which can have an impact on the emotional and social well-being of the elderly. Loneliness is also a risk factor for anxiety in older people (Domènech-Abella et al., 2019). On the other hand, risk factors for anxiety disorders in the elderly are usually female gender, low education, living alone, financial dependence on others, and at least one chronic illness. (Cengiz Özyurt et al., 2018).


This has a great impact on the lives of the elderly, but in reality, not all elderly people can fully meet their needs, and the lives of the elderly depend on the help of their families and others. While other retirees believe that elderly people are incompetent, helpless and useless people in life (Febriansyah et al., 2023). In recent years, more and more research has highlighted the social and psychological impacts of retirement, but there are still limited studies specifically exploring how older adults build communication resilience to stay connected with their families, peers, and social communities. The increase in life expectancy has an impact on the number of elderly people every year (Dharmayanti et al., 2017). Life expectancy affects how the elderly with retirement conditions from work can survive and be resilient in life. The fear of post-retirement or retirement transition causes serious psychological and physical problems for many people, especially those who have high ambitions and desperately want a high position in their jobs. That is the driving factor for the emergence of post-retirement syndrome (Khodijah, 2018).Therefore, this study seeks to understand how the elderly maintain and adjust their interpersonal communication in the face of post-retirement changes.


Retirement can have different consequences for each individual. Some seniors have difficulty adjusting due to the loss of work routines that have become part of their identity. These changes not only have an impact on the psychological aspect, but also on daily communication patterns. Seniors who previously had regular interactions with colleagues and the professional community often experienced a decrease in the frequency of communication after retirement. In addition, relationships with family, especially with spouses, children, and grandchildren, have also shifted. In the broader social context, technological developments are also a challenge for the elderly. Changes in the way we communicate—from face-to-face to technology-based communication like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Zoom—require adaptations that aren't always easy for a generation that hasn't grown up with digital technology. Seniors who do not have adequate digital skills are at risk of social isolation, especially when their children and grandchildren communicate more through digital platforms.


Furthermore, many elderly people feel that they have lost their role in the family after retirement. They are no longer the main decision-makers in the household, and often feel no longer needed economically or socially. This can lead to a decrease in confidence as well as motivation to stay active in interpersonal communication. By understanding how the elderly adjust their communication patterns, this research can provide insights for families, communities, and policymakers in creating a more inclusive social environment for the elderly. In addition, the results of this study can also be the basis for developing programs that support the elderly in maintaining healthy social relationships after retirement. However, not all elderly people can achieve this due to various changes, declines, and problems that arise such as economic, health, social, psychological problems, post-retirement syndrome, feelings of helplessness, uselessness, and unhappiness that often occur in old age (A'yun, 2023). Research on communication of the elderly after retirement has been conducted in various countries with a diverse focus. Some studies highlight the impact of retirement on psychological well-being, while other studies highlight how seniors use technology to stay in touch with their social environment. In the Indonesian context, research on the elderly often focuses on aspects of physical health and economic well-being, but there are still limited studies that explore aspects of interpersonal communication and social resilience of the elderly.


This research contributes to enriching literature by focusing on communication strategies for the elderly in dealing with PRS. Unlike previous studies that have highlighted more of the economic and psychological impact of retirement, this study explores how seniors maintain their interpersonal relationships as well as how they adapt to communication challenges in the digital age. The approach used in this study is also different from previous studies that use a more quantitative approach to measure the level of welfare of the elderly. By using qualitative methods and in-depth interviews, this study provides a more in-depth perspective on the communication experience of the elderly from their point of view. This study aims to explore how the elderly adjust their communication patterns after retirement. In particular, this study seeks to identify changes in the communication patterns of the elderly with their spouses, children, grandchildren, and peers, understand the role of social support in helping the elderly maintain interpersonal communication, explore the strategies that the elderly use to adapt to communication challenges, including the use of digital technology, as well as explain the barriers that the elderly face in maintaining social relationships after retirement.


In answering these questions, this study uses Interpersonal Communication Theory and Communication Resilience Theory as conceptual frameworks. Interpersonal Communication Theory emphasizes how individuals build and maintain their social relationships in a variety of contexts. In this study, this theory is used to understand how the elderly adjust the way they communicate after retirement. Meanwhile, Communication Resilience Theory focuses on how individuals use communication to overcome challenges and changes in their lives. This theory is relevant in understanding how older people experiencing PRS can use communication as a tool to rebuild social connections and reduce feelings of isolation. Good communication resilience can also help individuals overcome any shyness or discomfort they may feel when talking about their condition, by speaking in easy-to-understand language and listening with empathy, the individual can feel more comfortable opening up and expressing their feelings. Communication research investigates how individuals, organizations, media systems, and governments question and explain resilience, allowing us to better understand societal and systems perspectives on resilience (Houston & Buzzanell, 2018).


Theoretically, this research enriches the understanding of how interpersonal communication changes at different stages of life. Retirement is a major transition that not only impacts individuals personally, but also their social relationships. By connecting Interpersonal Communication Theory and Communication Resilience Theory, this research offers a new perspective on how communication can be a tool for the elderly to adapt to their social changes. Practically, the results of this research can be used as a basis for designing programs that support the elderly in maintaining an active social life. Some of the practical implications that can be produced include increasing digital literacy for the elderly through technology training programs so that they can more easily communicate with family and friends through digital platforms, strengthening social support through the formation of elderly communities that can be a forum for them to continue to interact and share experiences, education for families to increase awareness about the importance of maintaining healthy communication with the elderly so that They do not feel isolated, as well as social policies that support the elderly by encouraging their involvement in various social and community activities. Through this research, it is hoped that a wider awareness will emerge about the importance of interpersonal communication in supporting the welfare of the elderly. By understanding how older people cope with changes in communication after retirement, we can create a more inclusive social environment and support them in living better in old age.


2. Method


This study uses a qualitative approach with an in-depth interview method to explore the experiences of the elderly in maintaining communication resilience after retirement. Moleong in his book entitled Qualitative Research Methodology Qualitative research in terms of other definitions is states that it is a research that utilizes open interviews to study and understand the attitudes, views, feelings, and behaviors of individuals or groups of people (Moleong, 2017). The case study approach was used to capture the life experiences of the informants in dealing with changes in communication patterns, the role of social support, and the challenges of maintaining social interaction. The main purpose of the case study is to increase knowledge about real contemporary communication events, in their context. The question of how and why certain things happen in a particular situation, or "what happens here" is of primary interest when choosing this approach, (Yin, 2019).


This study involved nine informants selected through purposive sampling, with the main criteria being 56 years old and above, having retired for at least one year, and willing to share their communication experiences after retirement. The informants consisted of five men and four women with diverse work backgrounds, including retired civil servants, teachers, state-owned employees, police, and bank managers. Informants were recruited through the elderly community and social networks using the snowball sampling method to obtain recommendations from previous participants.


Table 1: Research Informant



Job Background




Retired Civil Servant (Lawyer)

65 Years



Retired Civil Servant (Protocoler Officer)

68 Years



Retired SOE Employees

56 Years



Police Retirement

59 years



Retired Civil Servants (Elementary School Teachers)

70 Years



Retired Bank Manager

58 Years



Retired Junior High School Teacher

61 years



Retired Bank Employees

60 Years



Retired Civil Servants (Lecturers)

66 Years

Source: Researcher Processed (2025)


Data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews, which provided flexibility for informants to recount their experiences. Interviews last between 45 to 90 minutes and are conducted in person or via video call. The main topics of the interview include changes in communication patterns, social support, challenges in adjusting to modern communication technology, and strategies for the elderly in maintaining social relationships. All interviews are recorded with the permission of the informant to ensure data accuracy.


Data analysis was carried out using the thematic analysis method, which consisted of several stages: (1) re-reading the interview transcript to understand the context, (2) encoding the data based on the main theme, (3) grouping the patterns that emerged, (4) analyzing the relationship between themes, and (5) triangulation the data by comparing the findings with relevant literature. To increase validity, some informants were allowed to review the results of their interviews.


The study follows the principles of research ethics, including informant consent, data confidentiality, and the right of participants to resign at any time. Informants are provided with information related to the purpose of the research and are guaranteed anonymity. With this methodology, the study provides in-depth insights into how older adults maintain interpersonal communication in retirement, as well as how they adapt to social and technological changes.


3. Results


This section presents the results of research that reveals various aspects of communication for the elderly after entering retirement. The change in social status from active workers to retirees has consequences on the communication patterns they undergo. Seniors who previously had a structured communication routine in the work environment now have to adapt to more flexible communication patterns in the home and community environment. For some seniors, this change is a challenge because they have to find new ways to maintain meaningful interpersonal relationships. This study shows that the elderly experience a shift in their social interactions, both with family, peers, and the wider social environment. In many cases, older people who have strong family support and remain active in social communities are more likely to adjust than those who experience limited access to communication or social engagement. Technology is also starting to play an increasingly important role in maintaining communication among the elderly, although there are still challenges in terms of digital skills and technology accessibility for this age group.



Figure 1: Post Retirement Communications Patterns

Source: Researcher Processed (2025)


In addition to changes in communication patterns, this study also identifies various challenges faced by the elderly in maintaining their social relationships. One of the main challenges is the difference in communication styles between generations, where the elderly are accustomed to more in-depth and face-to-face communication patterns, while the younger generation relies more on short, fast digital communication. This often leads to misunderstandings and gaps in intergenerational interactions, especially within the family sphere. In addition, the digital divide is also an obstacle for the elderly in accessing modern communication technology, such as social media and instant messaging applications. Seniors who are not used to using digital devices experience limitations in communicating with their children and grandchildren, which can ultimately lead to feelings of isolation. Another challenge is mobility and health limitations that limit the elderly from engaging in direct social interactions. Seniors who have health problems or physical limitations often have difficulty attending social events or visiting friends and family, which ultimately impacts the quality of their interpersonal communication.


Despite facing various challenges, many seniors are developing adaptive strategies to maintain their social relationships. Older people who have flexible communication skills and can adapt to the communication patterns of the younger generation tend to have better relationships with their family and friends. The use of technology, although not always easy, is beginning to be adopted by some elderly people to keep in touch with their children and grandchildren through instant messaging or video calls. In addition, involvement in social communities is also an effective strategy for the elderly in maintaining their interpersonal communication. Seniors who are active in community activities, such as religious organizations, social clubs, or hobby groups, are better able to maintain dynamic and meaningful social interactions. Emotional support factors from family and social environment are important factors that help the elderly in living their retirement better. By understanding the dynamics of communication for seniors after retirement, various parties, including families, communities, and policymakers, can take more effective steps to support healthy communication for seniors and improve their well-being in this stage of life.


3.1 Communication of the Elderly After Retirement


Retirement is a major transition in a person's life that brings changes in various aspects, including communication patterns. Seniors who were previously active in the work environment have quite intense social interactions with colleagues, clients, or subordinates. After retirement, the elderly experience quite significant changes in the scope of their communication. The loss of a structured social routine makes them have to adjust to new communication patterns in the family environment and social community. For some seniors, retirement is an opportunity to strengthen relationships with family, especially spouses and children. Before retirement, they may have limited time to interact with family members due to their busy work. After retirement, the elderly have more time to communicate with their spouses, accompany their children, and interact with grandchildren. Older people who have a good relationship with their families tend to adjust more easily to these changes and experience the emotional benefits of improved communication in the family environment.


However, not all elderly people experience the same thing. Some of them feel that they have lost the role they previously held in the family. Before retirement, many elderly people become the main breadwinners and have an important position in family decision-making. After retirement, they feel that their influence in the family is diminishing. In some cases, children who are grown up and independent tend to be less dependent on their parents, so communication becomes less frequent. Older people who feel they no longer have a significant role in the family often experience a decline in confidence and withdraw from everyday conversations. In addition to changes in communication with family, the elderly are also experiencing a shift in relationships with friends and former co-workers. Seniors who had strong social relationships before retirement tended to have an easier time maintaining communication with peers. They remain active in interacting with old friends through regular meetings, such as reunions or retirement community activities. Seniors who have involvement in social organizations, religious groups, or hobby communities also have a greater chance of staying in touch with those around them.


On the other hand, the elderly who do not have a wide social network or who are used to relying on work interaction as the main source of communication have difficulty adjusting. After retirement, they no longer have access to the same social environment, so relationships with peers become increasingly rare. Some seniors feel reluctant to contact former colleagues for fear of disturbing them or feeling that they do not have interesting talking material. Over time, this can lead to social isolation, which impacts their emotional well-being. A study conducted by (Rikard et al., 2018) shows that the elderly who are open to the use of communication technology have a better level of social connection and experience lower levels of stress than those who do not use it. Communication technology is another factor that affects the communication patterns of the elderly. Technological developments have changed the way people interact, with more and more communications turning to digital platforms such as WhatsApp, social media, and video calls. For the elderly who are used to face-to-face communication or over the phone, the transition to digital-based communication is a challenge in itself. Some seniors have successfully adopted this technology with the help of their children or grandchildren, while others have struggled and ended up choosing not to use it at all.


Elderly people who can adapt to communication technology tend to have wider social relationships. They can still communicate with families who live far away, participate in online community groups, and get more information through digital media. On the other hand, the elderly who are not familiar with technology feel left behind and increasingly isolated from their social environment. This shows that digital skills are an important factor in determining how the elderly maintain communication after retirement. In addition to technological factors, physical mobility also affects the communication of the elderly. Elderly people who still have good health are easier to stay active in social activities and interact with the surrounding environment. They can attend community events, visit friends and family, and participate in recreational activities that involve interpersonal communication. However, for the elderly who experience physical limitations or have health conditions that reduce their mobility, communication with the surrounding environment becomes more difficult. Some seniors who are unable to travel easily rely more on family members or visits from friends and relatives to maintain their social connections. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the communication experience of the elderly after retirement varies greatly depending on several key factors, namely family support, involvement in social communities, technological skills, and health conditions. Seniors who have a strong social network and can adapt to technological developments are more likely to adapt to changes in communication after retirement. In contrast, older people who lose access to their social environment without adequate support tend to have difficulty maintaining their social interactions.


The importance of interpersonal communication for the elderly after retirement can also be seen from a psychological perspective. The continuitytheory states that the elderly who can maintain the communication patterns they have before retirement tend to adapt more easily to the changes that occur. In this case, effective communication with significant others can help the elderly maintain a sense of self-identity and improve their psychological well-being. In contrast, defensive communication theory suggests that older adults who feel deprived of their social role may develop defensive communication patterns, such as withdrawing from social interactions or showing passive-aggressive attitudes in their communication (Becker et al., 2008). To support the elderly in maintaining healthy communication after retirement, efforts are needed from various parties, including families, communities, and the government. Families need to be more active in involving the elderly in everyday conversations and giving them a meaningful role in family life. Social communities can create more space for the elderly to continue to interact and share experiences. Meanwhile, the government and social organizations can develop digital literacy training programs to help the elderly be more comfortable with using communication technology. With adequate support, the elderly can live a happier retirement and still have meaningful social relationships. Therefore, attention to the communication patterns of the elderly must be an important part of efforts to improve their well-being in old age.


3.2 Challenges in Elderly Communication


After entering retirement, the elderly face various challenges in maintaining their interpersonal communication. These challenges arise due to changes in social roles, technological limitations, social isolation, and declining health conditions. Seniors who previously had extensive communication networks in the work environment often have to adjust to different communication patterns within the family and social community. If not managed properly, these changes can cause the elderly to have difficulty maintaining their interpersonal relationships, which can ultimately impact their emotional and psychological well-being. One of the main challenges faced by the elderly is the difference in communication styles between generations. The younger generation has a different way of communicating with the elderly. They tend to use digital technology and communicate more often through text or text messages than face-to-face conversations. Seniors who are accustomed to longer, direct interaction-based communication often feel that communication with their children or grandchildren has become more shallow and lacks the emotional depth they expect. As a result, seniors can feel neglected or unappreciated in everyday conversations. A study by Afifi (Afifi et al., 2016) in the theory of Resilience and Relational Load shows that individuals who continue to invest in their interpersonal relationships, both emotionally and communicatively, are better able to cope with the challenges that arise after retirement. They are more likely to adopt more positive communication patterns, such as listening with empathy, expressing feelings directly, and finding solutions together to overcoming conflicts.


In addition, social norms in communication are also changing, leading to a gap between the elderly and the younger generation. Seniors who grew up in a culture that emphasizes formality in speaking often feel uncomfortable with the more relaxed and direct communication style of young people. These differences can lead to miscommunication, where the elderly perceive the younger generation as less respectful of them, while the younger people may feel that the elderly are too rigid in communicating. If there is no effort to understand these differences, intergenerational communication relationships can become increasingly difficult and strained. In addition to the challenges related to generational differences, the digital divide is also one of the main obstacles in the communication of the elderly. As communication technology develops, more and more social interactions are turning to digital platforms such as WhatsApp, Zoom, and social media. However, many elderly people experience limitations in accessing or understanding how to use this technology. Seniors who are not familiar with digital devices often find it difficult to operate smartphones or understand the features of modern communication applications. This inability can cause the elderly to be further left behind in their social relationships and find it difficult to keep in touch with younger family and friends. A study by Newman (Newman et al., 2021) shows that the elderly who belong to a supportive social group or community tend to have a more positive and adaptive level of communication. They are more open to social interactions, more receptive to change, and have lower levels of stress than those who experience social isolation.



Some elderly people who do not have technology skills also experience limitations in accessing the latest information and news. They rely more on traditional media such as television and newspapers, while the younger generation relies more on digital media. This difference can widen the communication gap between the elderly and other family members. In addition, economic limitations are also a factor that hinders the elderly from accessing technological devices. Not all seniors have smartphones or adequate internet access, which further limits their ability to connect with the outside world. In addition to the challenges related to generational and technological differences, social isolation is also a major problem for the elderly after retirement. Many seniors lose the social environment they have during work, which causes them to have fewer opportunities to communicate with others. If seniors do not have a strong social network outside of work, they are at risk of experiencing loneliness and losing the social interactions they need to maintain their mental well-being.


Elderly people who live alone or whose children have moved to other cities often experience a decrease in the frequency of communication with their families. The busyness of their children and grandchildren is also a factor that causes communication with the elderly to become less frequent. The lack of social interaction can make the elderly feel neglected and no longer have an important role in their family life. If there is no initiative from family members or the community to keep them engaged in everyday conversations, seniors can become increasingly withdrawn and experience deep emotional isolation. In addition to social factors, physical health conditions are also an obstacle to communication for the elderly. As they get older, many elderly people experience hearing loss, memory loss, or other health problems that make it difficult for them to communicate with others. Hearing loss, for example, can cause the elderly to have difficulty understanding conversations, especially in noisy environments or when talking on the phone. If there is no effort from family or friends to understand these limitations and adjust their way of speaking, communication can become more difficult for the elderly. Social support can help the elderly to cope with feelings of loss and emptiness after retirement (Hidayat et al., 2020).


The decrease in mobility is also a factor that limits the social interaction of the elderly. Seniors who have physical limitations or chronic illnesses are often unable to attend community events or visit friends and family. Another study by Zhang (Zhang et al., 2021) showed that the elderly who experience communication limitations due to physical barriers, such as hearing loss, are more prone to social isolation and loneliness. This is in line with Newman's findings (Hawkins et al., 2015), which show that elderly people with hearing loss tend to have higher levels of anxiety and depression because they feel less appreciated in conversations. The inability to travel easily makes them increasingly limited in communicating with their surroundings. As a result, they become more dependent on family members to maintain communication with the outside world. If families do not provide enough support, the elderly are at risk of a significant decrease in social interaction. In addition to physical and social factors, emotional and psychological changes are also a challenge in the communication of the elderly. After retirement, many seniors experience a change in identity and feelings of losing the role they previously held. Retirement can cause them to feel less valuable or lose their purpose in life, ultimately impacting their motivation to interact with others. Some seniors experience Post-Retirement Syndrome (PRS), where they feel anxious, unconfident, or even reluctant to talk to others. If these feelings are not properly addressed, the elderly can further withdraw from social conversations and experience deeper loneliness.


In addition, stigma against the elderly is also a challenge in their communication. Some people still have the view that the elderly are no longer productive or do not need to actively participate in social conversations. This stigma can make the elderly feel less appreciated and less invited to family or community discussions. Some elderly people even feel that their opinions are no longer considered important, so they are reluctant to speak or express their opinions in social discussions. If this stigma continues, the elderly can increasingly withdraw from social interactions, which can negatively impact their psychological well-being. Overall, the challenges in elderly communication cover a wide range of aspects, from intergenerational communication style differences, digital divides, social isolation, to physical limitations and emotional changes. To help seniors overcome these challenges, a comprehensive approach from families, communities, and governments is needed. Increasing digital literacy for the elderly, creating a more inclusive environment, and providing sufficient emotional support can help them stay active in social communication.


Efforts to address these challenges can also include the development of programs that encourage seniors to remain active in their social communities. For example, technology training programs for the elderly can help them more easily adapt to the development of digital communication. Recent research suggests that the quality of support can be a mediating factor that explains the indirect impact of supportive communications (High & Solomon, 2016).  In addition, families also have an important role to play in giving greater attention to the elderly and ensuring that they remain engaged in daily conversations. Emotional support refers to deliberate verbal behavior designed to reduce the emotional distress of others (Burleson & Samter, 1985). . With greater attention to the communication needs of seniors, they can live a happier, more active, and meaningful retirement.


3.3 Communication Strategies for the Elderly in Adjusting


Retirement brings great changes in a person's life, including in their communication patterns. For some seniors, the transition from an active working life to a post-retirement life can be a challenge in maintaining social relationships. Therefore, seniors need to develop effective communication strategies to stay connected with their family, friends, and community. This strategy covers various aspects, ranging from family support, the use of communication technology, involvement in social communities, to improving emotional health. Seniors who can adapt to these changes will find it easier to maintain their mental and emotional well-being. Choi (Choi et al., 2023) found that elderly couples who were able to maintain positive communication tended to be happier and had higher levels of life satisfaction. Conversely, couples who experience strain in their communication tend to be more prone to conflicts that can worsen their emotional well-being.


One of the key strategies in adjusting post-retirement communication is to increase involvement in family life. Elderly people who have a harmonious relationship with their families tend to be better able to maintain healthy interpersonal communication. They can continue to play a role in the family by sharing experiences, giving advice to children and grandchildren, and discussing various things that are relevant in daily life. By continuing to actively participate in family life, the elderly will feel appreciated and have a meaningful role in the household. However, not all elderly people have smooth communication with their families. Some of them feel that their children and grandchildren are busier with their lives, so the frequency of communication becomes reduced. To overcome this, the elderly can try to adjust to the communication patterns of the younger generation, such as communicating through short messages or social media. If previously they were used to long face-to-face conversations, now they need to get used to faster and more direct communication. Seniors who can adapt to these changes will find it easier to maintain a close relationship with their families. In addition to verbal communication, non-verbal communication also plays an important role in maintaining social relations for the elderly. Expressions of affection through touch, smiles, or other gestures can strengthen emotional closeness with family and friends. Older people who show an open and friendly attitude in interacting tend to be more receptive in everyday conversations. In addition, they can also improve the quality of communication by listening more and adjusting the topic of conversation to be more relevant to the interlocutor.


Another important strategy in elderly communication is the use of communication technology. In the digital era like now, many social interactions are carried out through technological devices, such as smartphones and social media. Seniors who can adapt this technology have a greater chance of staying connected with their family and friends. To help with this process, they can ask for guidance from their children or grandchildren in understanding how to use digital communication devices. Some seniors are starting to use instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp to stay in touch with their children and grandchildren. A study by Leist (Leist, 2013) shows that communication technology can be an important tool in reducing social isolation and improving the emotional well-being of the elderly.  Additionally, video calls via Zoom or Google Meet allow them to still participate in family events despite being in different locations. Seniors who find it difficult to understand technology often get help from families or communities that provide specialized technology training for the elderly. With a better understanding of technology, the elderly can be more comfortable in communicating and no longer feel left behind by the changing times.


In addition to the use of social media, seniors can also join online discussion groups that focus on topics that are relevant to them. These groups often discuss things like health, lifestyle, retirement experiences, and tips on maintaining social relationships. Seniors who are active in online communities have a greater chance of getting new information and staying engaged in conversations with their peers. In addition to family support and technology, involvement in the social community is also an important strategy for the elderly in maintaining their communication. Seniors who remain active in the community have better emotional well-being compared to those who spend more time alone at home. One way to do this is to join a social group, such as a religious community, an elderly organization, or a hobby club. By participating in social activities, the elderly can continue to interact with peers, share experiences, and get emotional support from the surrounding environment.


Many seniors also choose to engage in volunteer activities as a way to stay in touch with their social environment. In cases like this, social community and peer relationships become very important. A study by Hope (Hope et al., 2014) shows that older people who are involved in community activities, such as religious groups, social organizations, or hobby clubs, have higher levels of emotional well-being than those who spend most of their time alone. Activities such as teaching in informal schools, assisting in social programs, or being part of community organizations give them a sense of purpose and emotional satisfaction. Seniors who remain active in these activities feel that they still have a meaningful contribution to society, which ultimately helps them maintain healthy interpersonal communication. As part of a communication strategy, seniors also need to make an effort to establish and renew their old relationships. Some seniors feel that after retirement, they lose contact with their old friends. To overcome this, they can try to reconnect with old friends by phone, social media, or hold regular meetings such as reunions or activities together. Older people who maintain relationships with old friends are more adaptable to social changes and do not feel isolated from their environment.


In addition to social and technological factors, emotional health also plays an important role in the communication of the elderly. Older people who have good emotional well-being tend to have an easier time maintaining their interpersonal relationships. One way to improve emotional health is to manage the stress and anxiety that arise as a result of changes in their lives. Seniors who remain positive and have an optimistic attitude in facing challenges are more able to adapt to changes in communication patterns that occur. Some seniors also implement relaxation strategies, such as meditation, light exercise, or pursuing hobbies they enjoy, to help reduce stress and improve their mood. In addition, support from family and peers plays an important role in maintaining the emotional health of the elderly. Older people who have a strong social support group are more likely to cope with loneliness and have higher motivation to stay active in social communication. Therefore, creating an emotionally supportive environment is essential for seniors to remain valued and connected to those around them. A study by Monin (Monin et al., 2020) found that positive communication between the elderly and their family members can reduce stress and improve the mental health of the elderly. In contrast, older adults who feel neglected or undercared for by their children are more likely to experience loneliness and feelings of worthlessness.


Overall, the communication strategies of the elderly in adjusting after retirement are highly dependent on a variety of factors, including family support, community involvement, technology utilization, and emotional health. Seniors who can adopt modern communication technologies, stay active in social communities, and adapt their way of speaking to social changes are more likely to maintain healthy interpersonal relationships. Family involvement in helping seniors understand new communication patterns is also very important to ensure that they continue to feel valued and have a role in family life. Seniors who continue to strive to maintain positive and flexible communication will find it easier to adjust to the changes that occur after retirement. By implementing the right communication strategies, seniors can stay socially active, reduce the risk of isolation, and live a happier and more meaningful retirement. Through effective strategies, seniors can maintain their social interactions and maintain quality relationships with their families and communities. The theory of continuity (Nussbaum & Coupland, 2004) states that the elderly who can maintain the communication patterns and lifestyles they have before retirement are more likely to adapt to changes after retirement. Therefore, it is important for various parties, including families, communities, and governments, to continue to develop initiatives that promote healthy and inclusive communication for the elderly. With the right support, seniors can live their retirement better and still feel part of an active and meaningful social environment.




4. Discussion


This research reveals various dynamics of communication for the elderly after entering retirement, including changes in communication patterns, challenges faced, and the role of social support in helping them adjust. The elderly experience various changes in their communication patterns, both with family, peers, and social communities. This shift is influenced by internal factors, such as psychological adaptation to retirement, as well as external factors, such as technological developments and changes in intergenerational communication styles. One of the important aspects found in this study is how the elderly adjust their communication patterns after losing their work routine. Before retirement, most seniors have an extensive communication network in their professional environment. However, after retirement, this communication is drastically reduced, and they need to find new ways to maintain their social relationships. Older people who are active in social communities or retirement groups are better able to maintain interpersonal interactions than those who do not have access to supportive social networks.


In the family, the elderly tend to experience a change in role that has an impact on their communication. Before retirement, many of them have a central role in economic and social decision-making in the household. However, after retirement, some seniors feel that they no longer have the same influence in the family. Although some seniors still have close relationships with their family members, others feel undervalued and experience a decrease in the frequency of communication with their children and grandchildren. In social interactions outside the family, communication for the elderly has also changed. Seniors who were previously used to communicating formally in a work environment need to adjust to a more relaxed communication style in daily life. Older people who remain active in social groups, such as religious communities, retirement organizations, or volunteer activities, show better levels of adaptation to these changes. Participation in social communities provides opportunities for them to stay in touch with their peers and expand their social networks.


The main challenge faced by the elderly in communication is the limitation in accessing and understanding modern communication technology. Technological developments have changed the way communication is conducted, with more and more people turning to digital media to communicate. For seniors who are unfamiliar with this technology, communication with family and friends can become more difficult. Some seniors are trying to learn to use technology like WhatsApp, social media, or video calling to stay connected with family and friends. However, not all seniors have adequate access or support to master this technology, which causes some of them to experience limitations in digital communication. In addition to technological limitations, differences in communication styles between generations are also a challenge in the social interaction of the elderly. Younger generations tend to be quicker and more direct in speaking, while older people are accustomed to more formal, face-to-face communication. This can lead to communication gaps between older adults and younger family members, especially in the context of everyday conversations. Older people who can adapt to a more flexible communication style tend to have an easier time establishing relationships with younger generations.


In the face of these communication challenges, the elderly develop various strategies to stay connected to their social environment. One of the main strategies used is to stay active in the social community. Seniors who join social groups, such as religious communities, hobby clubs, or volunteer activities, have a greater chance of maintaining their social interactions. In addition, involvement in social communities also provides psychological benefits, such as increased self-confidence and emotional well-being. Support from family is also a key factor in helping the elderly adapt to changes in communication after retirement. Seniors who get support from their children and grandchildren in understanding communication technology are more likely to adopt new ways of communication. Technology training provided by families, such as how to use smartphones or social media, can help the elderly stay connected to the outside world.


In addition, the elderly who have a balanced communication pattern between traditional and digital communication show a better level of adaptation. Seniors who still rely on face-to-face communication but start learning to use technology gradually find it easier to adapt to the changes that occur. This strategy allows them to stay relevant in their social environment without having to completely change the communication habits they have built up over the years. The results of this study show that the communication experience of the elderly after retirement is greatly influenced by social support, digital skills, and their involvement in the community. Older people who have access to a strong social network and can adapt to technological developments are better able to maintain their social relationships than those who experience limited social access. Overall, the study highlights that older adults who have access to social support and can adapt to technological developments are more likely to maintain healthy social relationships. In contrast, the elderly who do not have an active social network or have difficulty accessing technology tend to experience social isolation. Therefore, more interventions are needed to support the elderly so that they can continue to have a role in social life and be able to live a better retirement.


5. Conclusion


The study highlights how seniors adjust their communication patterns after entering retirement, as well as the various challenges and strategies they use to maintain healthy social interactions. The results of the study show that changes in social roles after retirement have a significant impact on the communication patterns of the elderly, especially in relationships with family, peers, and the community. Seniors who previously had a wide communication network in the work environment had to adapt to more flexible communication patterns in their daily lives. Older people who have strong social support, both from family and community, tend to be better able to adjust and maintain their interpersonal relationships compared to those with limited social access. Meanwhile, the use of communication technology is also starting to play an important role in maintaining the social interaction of the elderly, although there are still challenges in terms of digital skills and technology accessibility for this group.


In addition, this research also reveals various challenges faced by the elderly in maintaining communication after retirement. The main challenges identified included differences in communication styles between generations, the digital divide, social isolation, and mobility and health limitations that limit their ability to remain active in social communities. Seniors who do not have sufficient technology skills or family support often find it difficult to adjust to changes in the way they communicate, which can ultimately lead to feelings of marginalization or even social isolation. Therefore, it is important for various parties, including families, communities, and policymakers, to develop strategies that can help seniors overcome these communication barriers. Steps that can be taken include digital literacy education for the elderly, the creation of a more inclusive social environment, and increasing public awareness of the importance of inclusive communication for the elderly.


In conclusion, effective communication for the elderly after retirement is highly dependent on social support, involvement in the community, and their ability to adapt to evolving communication technologies. By understanding the challenges and strategies used by the elderly in adjusting, families and communities can play a more active role in supporting the elderly to continue to have healthy and meaningful social interactions. In addition, more inclusive policies are also needed to ensure that the elderly still have access to various means of communication that can help them maintain their social relationships. With collaboration between families, communities, and the government in creating an environment that supports communication for the elderly, they can live their retirement happier, more active, and have a better quality of life.


6. Implication


The findings of this study have important implications in various aspects of the life of the elderly, including in the scope of family, social community, and public policy. One of the main implications is the importance of the role of the family in maintaining communication with the elderly. Seniors who have strong social support from their spouses, children, and grandchildren tend to adjust more easily to changes in communication patterns after retirement. Therefore, families need to be more active in involving the elderly in daily conversations, providing greater emotional attention, and ensuring that the elderly still feel valued and have a role in the family. In addition, efforts to reduce the generation gap in communication are also something that needs to be considered. The younger generation needs to be given an understanding of the importance of inclusive and empathetic communication with the elderly, so that interactions in the family become more harmonious and do not cause feelings of marginalization for the elderly.


In addition to the family scope, the results of this study also show that the involvement of the elderly in the social community has a significant impact on their well-being. Older people who remain active in religious communities, social groups, or volunteer activities tend to have more dynamic communication patterns and are better able to avoid social isolation. Therefore, communities and social organizations need to create more inclusive spaces for the elderly, where they can continue to participate in meaningful social activities. In addition, the development of digital literacy programs for the elderly is also an increasingly urgent need. Seniors who can understand and use digital communication technology have a greater chance of staying connected with their family and friends. Therefore, the community can take a role in providing education and training for the elderly regarding the use of digital devices, so that they can be more comfortable in adapting to technological developments.


In terms of policy, this study emphasizes the need for intervention from the government and stakeholders in supporting communication for the elderly. The government can develop more inclusive programs to improve the social welfare of the elderly, such as the provision of communication counseling services for the elderly who have difficulty adjusting to social changes. In addition, policies regarding the development of an elderly-friendly environment also need to be considered, such as the provision of public spaces that allow the elderly to interact more comfortably and transportation facilities that support their mobility. In addition, policies that encourage intergenerational interaction can also be a solution in reducing the communication gap between the elderly and the younger generation. With support from various parties, both from family, community, and the government, the elderly can live their retirement more actively, happily, and still have meaningful social relationships.



Author Contributions: All Authors contributed to this research


Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest


Informed Consent Statement/Ethics approval: Applicable



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