Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 23 December 2022
Wali Nanggroe Institution (LWN) Revitalization and Conflict Resolution Problems in Aceh
Muhammad Ridwansyah, Firman Noor, Lili Romli, Faradila Fadlia
Andalas of University (Indonesia), National Research and Innovation Agency (Indonesia), Syiah Kuala University (Indonesia)

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Pages: 144-156
Keywords: Revitalization, Conflict Resolution, Recognition, Customary Institutions, Authority
Strengthening the peace in Aceh may be possible by revitalizing the Wali Nanggroe Institution (LWN). Institutional strengthening is necessary to keep Aceh on its peaceful path. However, even LWN's existence has generated debate and differing opinions. This article seeks to answer the following: First, why does LWN deserve to be preserved and why has its revitalization been fraught with difficulties? Second, what is the relationship between the problems LWN faces and the potential role that it plays in conflict resolution? This study employs qualitative research in the form of document studies and in-depth interviews via focus groups with a variety of informants with a focus on specific and privileged institutions. Although LWN has the potential to increase the dignity of the traditional or social side of the people of Aceh, the politicization of institutions, customary discrimination, and the poor implementation of functions has resulted in the emergence of distrust. Because of this low level of mistrust, the institution's potential to serve as a forum for conflict resolution is currently far from being realized.
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