Vernacular Inculturation on the Architecture of the Church in Bali, Indonesia (Case Study: Pniel Blimbingsari Christian Church, Jembrana, Bali)
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Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute
Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute

Journal of Social and Political


ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)

ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
open access

Published: 05 August 2019

Vernacular Inculturation on the Architecture of the Church in Bali, Indonesia (Case Study: Pniel Blimbingsari Christian Church, Jembrana, Bali)

Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra

University of Udayana, Indonesia

journal of social and political sciences
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Pages: 602-609

Keywords: Vernacular, Inculturation, Architecture, Church


The existence of the Christian community with its church architecture in Bali, seems to be adjusting to the local culture of Bali through the inculturation process of Balinese vernacular architecture. The purpose of this article is to investigate the extent to which the essence of the architectural concept of the church cultivates elements of Balinese vernacular architecture by taking the case of the Pniel Blimbingsari Christian Church in Jembrana, Bali, Indonesia. The method used is descriptive, explorative and qualitative method, through direct observation of church objects in Jembrana, conducting historical study and interviews with religious leaders with snowball techniques to obtain more in-depth information related to the inculturation process of church architecture in Jembrana, Bali. The study resulted that the architectural concept of the Church in Jembrana Bali adopted the local concept of vernacular architecture of the temple reflected into the look of church buildings, function, form, materials, as well as the use of its meaning.


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