Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 03 September 2020
Urban Space Atmosphere as Identity of the Klungkung Urban Area, Bali, Indonesia
I Made Agus Mahendra, I Made Juniastra
Mahendradatta University, Indonesia

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Pages: 835-847
Keywords: Urban Atmosphere, Urban Area, Urban Space, Urban Identity
The development of the city in Indonesia has different character and identity. Recognizing identities will understand who and what their needs are, how much and how they meet these needs, and strive to nurture and nurture them well and sustainably according to their characteristics or identity. Similarly, with a city, to be able to maintain and understand the needs of the occupants and their environment, the city must be known and thoroughly (comprehensive), so that the needs of the community and environmental sustainability can be fulfilled and maintained sustainably. A city can be recognized if the city's identity is well known and understood from a cultural and social perspective. City identity has an important role in the development and sustainability of a city. City identity can also be formed from the atmosphere of the city space that surrounds the city area. One of the famous cities in Bali with the nickname “Bumi / Serombotan City” is one of the city's traditional foods. This identity is attached as an identifier for the community when remembering and imagining the city of Klungkung in general. On the other hand, Klungkung has a long royal history, culture and historical buildings. The identity of the city of Klungkung can be seen from a different perspective when viewed and discussed from the atmosphere of the city space that surrounds the Klungkung urban area. The study used qualitative methods by implementing a descriptive approach, and studying literature with research instruments through interviews and questionnaires. The research aims to find out how atmospheric urban space is seen from the theory of atmospheric and image of the city as the identity of urban areas Klungkung, Bali. Results of the analysis in the conceptual order of this research obtained benefits and results about the atmosphere of urban areas that can be used as identity of urban areas in terms of visual, sense and passion at the operational level can formulate policies on urban identity areas.
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