Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 03 May 2021
The Role of the Ministry of Defense in Preparing Strategic Logistics Reserve for Facing the National Food Emergency
Arsil Tanjung, Syaiful Anwar
Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia

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Pages: 136-147
Keywords: Role, Reserves, Food, National, Logistics
The theme of this article is about the role of the Ministry of Defense in preparing for national food security, especially the role of the Ministry of Defense through the Strategic Logistics Reserve Agency in anticipation of facing a national food emergency, especially in the context of Sishanta. Currently the Ministry of Defense is in the function of preparing universal defense by directing all national potential which is not yet maximized, especially in preparing the logistic needs for the needs of TNI troops as the core force as well as logistical needs for supporting components and reserve components. In this paper, the author tries to use several theories concerning the Strategic Logistics Reserve Agency program, which include the theory of the role of organization, logistics theory, food security theory and Sun Tzu's theory of war in his book The Art of War and submit proposed solutions to these problems in the Strategic Logistics Reserve Agency framework. The research method used is a qualitative method using secondary data, as well as literature study. The data analysis technique used a qualitative descriptive analysis. This article seeks to identify various problems in implementing Strategic Logistics Reserve Agency at the policy and operational levels. From the research results, there are findings that illustrate that logistics supplies in the face of universal defense are unable to support both the needs of the TNI and the needs of its supporters.
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