Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 12 November 2024
The Intersection of Political Power and Data Exploitation: Implications for Privacy and Security in Ghana's Digital Age
Bashiru Salifu Zibo, Ogochukwu C. Nweke
Kings University College, Ghana

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Pages: 89-96
Keywords: Data Privacy, Ghana, National Security, Political Vigilantism, Surveillance Capitalism
Digital technologies are rapidly being integrated into the political process and this massive transformation is bringing both opportunities and significant challenges. The research is focused on how the merging of political power and data exploitation has led to a new challenge known as surveillance capitalism – where personal data is gathered, commodified and used without the data owners' consent–in the privacy and security field. With the guidance of four key research questions, the study makes use of the mixed-methods approach, combining literature review with empirical data collected through surveys. Academic databases including Google Scholar, JSTOR, Scopus, and PubMed, build the arsenal of the literature review, examining the theoretical frameworks of surveillance capitalism and how effective current legal frameworks, such as Ghana’s Data Protection Act, 2012. The survey component captures public perceptions of political vigilantism and its exacerbation through data exploitation. The findings highlight the need for stronger enforcement of data protection laws, increased public awareness, and the development of strategies that balance innovation with privacy protection. This study provides critical insights for policymakers, emphasising the urgency of addressing the dual challenges of data exploitation and political violence to safeguard democratic processes in Ghana.
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