Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 07 February 2022
Social Warranty in Group Migrant Informal Sector Vendors
Slamet Santoso, Ishomuddin, Rinikso Kartono, Tri Sulistyaningsih
Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia

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Pages: 32-41
Keywords: Social Warranty, Informal Sector, Migrant Vendors
This study aims to understand the form of social action in the kinship of migrant informal sector vendors and understand the values that underlie the formation of social warranty. The research paradigm used in this study is the social definition paradigm, using a qualitative approach and an ethnographic type of research. The technique of determining the research subjects used purposive sampling and data collection techniques using interview and observation techniques. Data analysis techniques using interactive models and data validity checking techniques using data source triangulation. The results of the study conclude that: a) The social action of migrant angkringan vendors in deciding to open an angkringan business in Ponorogo City is an Instrumental Social Action (Zwerk Rational); b) The existence of the angkringan merchant group cannot be separated from the kinship values that underlie the relationship between them; c) Kinship relations, whether based on marriage or social kinship, have fostered values of mutual assistance or mutual assistance, mutual support for business, and tolerance between Vendors, which supports the continuity of the angkringan business in Ponorogo City; d) The values that have become customary in kinship groups of migrant angkringan vendors have formed social warranty, and e) Social warranty makes the business of the migrant angkringan vendor’s group stronger, able to face business competition, and able to meet the economic needs of their families
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