Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 06 November 2020
Planning Principles of Permanent Outdoor Advertising (POA) in Arterial and Collector Road Corridors in Denpasar City, Bali, Indonesia
Gede Windu Laskara, Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra, Ni Luh Putu Eka Pebriyanti, Putu Mayda Devianita Jaya
Udayana University, Indonesia

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Pages: 968-982
Keywords: Permanent Outdoor Advertising, Principle, Main issues, Planning, Road Corridor
Permanent Outdoor Advertising (POA) is one of the media for providing public space information to impact the viewer with words, with or without photographs. That details to the public on programs, goods, lifestyles, dreams, and values. Advertising is an important and very important tool in economic and business terms because it is direct communication with the audience. POA also generates the image and visual quality of public spaces as an urban physical feature in terms of urban planning. A important location for information dissemination is the high speed of motion in arterial and collector roads. The POA is something that draws attention and can enhance the region's picture. Advertisers, however, frequently disregard the detrimental impact of RRLs on the physical condition of urban space for the sole purpose of offering economic benefits. In Denpasar, POA is divided into 1) electronic billboards and 2) billboards, and POA typology can be divided into a) independent structure (free-standing POA) centered on technological installation; b) related to another structure (attached POA). The main issues of POA implementation in Denpasar City are: 1) security, 2) beauty/aesthetic, and 3) legibility are the key issues of the POA implementation in Denpasar City. These questions emerged from several aspects, namely: 1) land use; 2) structure and construction; 3) placement; 4) form, scale, and quantity; 5) orientation; 6) lighting; 7) material. The planning principles of the POA in Denpasar should be evaluated on the basis of contextual problems and the arterial and collector roads surrounding them. The POA identification is carried out in Denpasar City on twenty-nine main roads, including all three arterial roads, and on twenty-six collector roads. Two functions representing both arterial and collector roads in Denpasar were chosen for the study position on the main road with primary arterial function, collector-one, and collector. Post-occupancy evaluation (POE) was the research approach used in this study with a qualitative analysis methodology that observes and analyzes the POA conditions that occurred on selected roads in Denpasar Area, which are used as a basis for structuring the principles and aspects of POA planning.
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