Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 26 March 2018
Perfectionism Tendency and Music Performance Anxiety (MPA) on Tertiary Students’ in Malaysia
Rita Mardhatillah Umar Rauf
Unversiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

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Despite the fact that almost all studies are done in western countries, this article explains perfectionism tendency and music performance anxiety (MPA) in a communist culture of Malaysia. However, there is a lacking study existing in relation to the relationship between MPA in any field of education or perfectionism among Malaysian tertiary students. Hence, this article presents the expansion of the body of literature on this important relationship between MPA and perfectionism. The knowledge affecting to symptoms and signs anxiety during adolescence among students can help if possible areas can be highlighted for the mediating and prevention on the relationship, this article may prove fruitful to Malaysian youths in the university setting so they can overcome the lacking.
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