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Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute

Journal of Social and Political


ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)

ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
open access

Published: 25 March 2025

Organizational Culture and Communication in Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institutions: Transparency, Technology Integration, and Islamic Values

Eli Purwati, Widodo Muktiyo, Andre N Rahmanto, Drajat Tri Kartono

Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

journal of social and political sciences
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Pages: 247-258

Keywords: Transparency, Collaboration, Technology Integration, Academic Governance, Muhammadiyah Higher Education


This study discusses the organizational culture in the superior cluster’s Muhammadiyah Higher Education (PTM), focusing on transparency, collaboration, and technology integration in institutional governance. Transparency in managing finances and resources ensures accountability and increases stakeholder trust through an open reporting system and periodic audits. Collaboration between departments allows synergy between faculties, research units, and community service units, thereby increasing research effectiveness and expanding the reach of community service. Meanwhile, integrating technology in the academic and administrative systems improves operational efficiency and transparency in internal communication and academic evaluation. The findings of this study confirm that the combination of these three aspects contributes to improving the quality of professional and innovative Islamic-based higher education. However, challenges in human resource readiness, cross-departmental coordination, and digital infrastructure still need to be overcome to ensure the sustainability of this strategy. With a systematic approach, superior cluster PTM can continue to develop as a competitive higher education institution at the national and international levels.


1. Introduction

Organizational culture and communication have an important role in determining the effectiveness and reputation of a university. In Indonesia, Muhammadiyah Universities (PTM) exemplify how Islamic values are integrated into organizational culture and communication strategies. Muhammadiyah, as one of the largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia, has established many educational institutions that implement Islamic principles in their operational framework, thus encouraging ethical behavior, accountability, and continuous improvement.  The integration of Islamic values in the organizational culture of PTM serves as the basis for decision-making and leadership practices.(Purwati et al., 2016) Values such as professionalism, trust, Katonah (intelligence), and sincerity have been firmly embedded in these institutions and influence policies, leadership styles, and interpersonal relationships. (Terrorism, 2015). This values-based culture helps build integrity and trust in the academic environment. Research shows that a strong organizational culture that aligns with core values plays an important role in increasing educator commitment and institutional sustainability (Desipung et al., 2016).


In realizing the main performance indicators (KPIs) and additional performance indicators (IKT), PTMA does a very good managerial job in achieving the organization's goals. In principle, the indicator of the success of an organization is a comprehensive success, both in financial aspects, human aspects, aspects of work methods, and a conducive environment so that the organization is superior. This aspect is built from the role of the leader and the team under him. The success of an institution depends on flexibility and innovation. Effective reactions to these demands lead to changes in individuals and their behaviors and innovative changes within the organization to ensure their existence and sustainability. (Coman & Bonciu, 2016).


However, the application of technology in the education system must still consider alignment with Islamic values so as not to sacrifice the basic principles that are the foundation of the institution. Research shows that universities that can integrate technology effectively without abandoning core values have higher levels of innovation and sustainability (Kaur Bagga et al., 2023). Thus, the organizational culture and communication practices in Muhammadiyah Universities are greatly influenced by Islamic values that guide their commitment to transparency, ethical governance, and effective stakeholder engagement. (Puspitaningtyas & Kurniawan, 2013). The careful integration of technology in their operations opens up opportunities for innovation and improvement of the quality of education, as long as it remains aligned with the organization's basic principles. By adhering to Islamic values while adopting modern advancements, PTM can continue to fulfill its educational mission and positively contribute to society.(Abdullah, 2002) 4.0 and encourages higher education, which can think globally and internationally but still concentrate at the national or local level, or in other words, think globally and act locally (Mudzakkir, 2021). Culture in an organization is also important when thinking about good ethics and how to communicate with others. This is why organizational culture can also be why communication in higher education does not work as it should (Howard, 2014). This picture is conveyed (Shiflett, 2013). that many factors affect organizational culture in higher education institutions. Still, this culture remains collaborative even though the characteristics of secondary, tertiary, and quaternary organizations also influence organizational behavior.


Cultural changes in several factors, including generational differences, result in distances and gaps between the two in the organization, so these conditions in the organization cause communication problems among its members. Good communication skills become a very important skill in the work environment, ensuring that ideas, desires, and needs among staff, students, lecturers, parents, and external parties in higher education can be heard (Howard, 2014). By upholding Islamic values as the basis for governance and institutional development, PTM can continue to develop into a superior, innovative, and characterful educational center. Adopting technology that is in line with Islamic principles, transparency in governance, and effective communication are the main factors in ensuring the sustainability and competitiveness of institutions in the era of globalization. By combining modernization and strong traditional values, PTM can continue to produce a generation that is not only academically superior but also has high moral integrity and can positively impact the wider community (Mudzakkir, 2021).


In an organization's context, communication functions not only as a means of exchanging information but also as a means of forming norms, values, and distinctive social structures  (Widowati, 2013). five types of communication performance contribute to shaping organizational culture: ritual, desire, social, political, and enculturation. Ritual performance reflects communication activities, either personal, task, social, or organizational. Meanwhile, the performance of passion is in the form of narratives or stories that describe the experiences and values of the organization, which are often used to strengthen the organization's common identity (Sabita, 2016).


2. Method


Qualitative research is inductive research; in this case, the researcher will explore meaning and insight in the context of a certain situation (Straus). This refers to a series of data collection and data analysis methods that involve the deliberate selection of informants through semi-structured and open interview techniques. This condition is based on the opinion of Creswell and colleagues, who call it an efficient framework that takes place in a natural context and provides an opportunity for researchers to develop a high level of detail regarding the involvement of informants in real experiences (Creswell & Creswell, 2023). The use of appropriate research methods for social research is by several criteria, including (1) answering the research questions to be used, (2) how the researcher controls the phenomenon being studied; and (2) paying attention to the phenomena (Yin, 2018). Therefore, this research plan uses a case study design to adjust to these three criteria. Case studies are a process of seeking knowledge to investigate and examine phenomena that occur in real-life (Yin, 2018). In the design of this study, the perspective used is a plural or multi-case case study. A multi-case study is a special effort to examine something with many cases, parts, or members (Langley, 2006). Based on the conditions and criteria set, this study involved 20 informants as data sources to answer research questions. To maintain the confidentiality of personal information of the informants and their families, the data obtained will be presented using certain codes, according to the needs of this study:


The in-depth interviews were carried out at superior cluster universities with informants who followed the interview guidelines and could answer questions from the researcher to obtain appropriate data. Furthermore, interviews were conducted at the fostered cluster universities with informants according to the researcher's objectives. Then, the third interview was held at the Secondary Cluster Universities. Dean uses recording so that the document is stored properly and then in the transcript.

3. Result

3.1. Transparent and Participatory Organizational Communication


One of the main findings in this study is the existence of transparent and participatory organizational communication in Muhammadiyah Universities (PTM) of the superior cluster. The communication mechanism allows every organization member, including lecturers, education staff, and students, to easily access academic and administrative information. This transparency is realized through the delivery of clear policies, openness in the decision-making process, and the provision of discussion spaces that encourage active participation from the academic community. With open communication, superior cluster PTM can create a more democratic academic environment where each individual has the same opportunity to express opinions and participate in institutional policy-making. This increases trust in institutional governance and builds a sense of ownership and shared responsibility within the academic community. This is in line with research that shows that rituals in organizations have a major function in building social solidarity and increasing the involvement of organizational members in various aspects of institutional life (Pacanowsky & O'Donnell-Trujillo, 1983).


Two-way communication built between leaders and organization members is the main factor that creates a more open academic atmosphere and minimal conflict. PTM leaders in the superior cluster play a role as policymakers and communication facilitators who ensure the entire academic community can easily access important information. This approach allows for more in-depth discussions on academic policy, resource management, and strategic planning involving various parties. In many cases, top-down communication often leads to misunderstandings and information inequality, which can ultimately spark dissatisfaction among educators and students. Therefore, the superior cluster PTM adopts a more inclusive communication model by opening up space for constructive dialogue between leaders and organization members.


Transparency in communication in superior cluster PTM is also supported by information technology that allows access to various sources of academic and administrative information. With an online-based academic information system, students can easily obtain data on lecture schedules, academic evaluation results, and information about academic policies being implemented. Lecturers and education staff also have access to information about recruitment policies, assessment systems, and professional development opportunities offered by institutions. Using technology in organizational communication increases efficiency in the delivery of information and ensures that all members of the organization get accurate and timely information. Thus, using this technology is an important element in maintaining transparency and increasing communication effectiveness in the academic environment.


In addition, openness in organizational communication is also applied in the decision-making process. Superior cluster PTM implements a mechanism that allows each stakeholder to contribute to the academic and administrative policy formulation process. Students, lecturers, and education staff are allowed to express their input through academic forums, regular meetings, and focus group discussions that are held regularly. With this approach, the policies implemented not only come from the perspective of the leadership but also reflect the needs and aspirations of all members of the organization. In this context, transparent and participatory organizational communication creates a more inclusive academic environment and improves the quality of implemented policies.

The impact of transparent and participatory communication on institutional performance is also significant. With open communication, superior cluster PTM can build stronger trust between leaders and organization members. This trust is the main factor in creating a more harmonious and collaborative academic culture. Students feel more valued and have a sense of ownership towards the institution, which ultimately increases their motivation and involvement in academic and non-academic activities. Lecturers and education staff also feel more appreciated for their contributions, thus creating a more productive and supportive work environment. Thus, effective communication not only functions as a tool to convey information but also as an instrument that supports strengthening organizational culture and improving the quality of education in superior cluster PTMs.


Furthermore, the study found that transparent and participatory communication also contributes to creating innovations in the management of higher education institutions. When members of the organization feel they have the freedom to express their ideas, there is room for greater collaboration and innovation. The superior cluster PTM has shown how open communication can encourage the development of new initiatives in academics, research, and community service. For example, some PTMs have implemented a project-based learning system that directly involves students in research and community service activities. Programs like these arise from open discussions and interactions between students, lecturers, and institutional leaders, allowing various innovations to be developed and implemented more effectively. The study of Islam and Zyphur (2009) supports these findings by showing that an organization's rituals create a sense of emotional attachment and build a strong social identity among its members (Islam & Zyphur, 2009).


However, although organizational communication in superior cluster PTM has shown significant progress, several challenges still need to be overcome to improve communication effectiveness further. One of the main challenges is ensuring that transparent and participatory communication can run consistently across all levels of the organization. Some obstacles still faced include differences in communication patterns between work units, the lack of involvement of some educators in academic discussions, and bureaucratic obstacles that can slow down the flow of information. Therefore, superior cluster PTMs must continue developing more adaptive and inclusive communication strategies by ensuring that every member of the organization has equal access to information and opportunities to participate in decision-making.

3.2. Integration of Technology in Communication and Academic Governance


The superior cluster’s Muhammadiyah Higher Education (PTM) has applied various technologies to support the communication system and organizational governance. Implementing digital technology, such as online-based academic information systems, internal communication platforms, and applications supporting the values of Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah (AIK), has increased information dissemination and academic coordination efficiency. This technology allows openness in academic reporting, transparency in the evaluation system, and acceleration of access to important information for all stakeholders. PTM can create a more modern and inclusive academic culture with supporting technology.


Implementing an online-based academic information system provides convenience for students and lecturers in accessing academic data in real-time. Students can easily view lecture schedules, academic evaluation results, and the latest academic policies without relying on manual processes that tend to be time-consuming. In addition, lecturers and education staff also get more flexible access to the lecture administration system, including the assessment process, curriculum management, and monitoring of student academic progress. With this system, transparency in academic management can be further maintained, thereby creating a more effective and efficient educational ecosystem.


In addition, the internal communication platform implemented in superior cluster PTM allows smoother interaction between leaders, lecturers, education staff, and students. Through technology-based applications, institutions can coordinate various academic and administrative activities more quickly and organized. The online discussion forum provided through this platform also opens opportunities for the academic community to provide input on institutional policies, ultimately increasing active participation in decision-making. Thus, superior cluster PTM implements one-way communication from leaders to organizational members and creates a more participatory two-way communication mechanism.


Furthermore, using technology to support the values of Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah (AIK) in superior cluster PTM shows that digital integration is not only limited to academic and administrative aspects but also strengthens institutional identity. Applications developed specifically to support AIK, such as online learning modules based on Islamic values, digital Islamic study systems, and interactive da'wah platforms, are some of the innovations that strengthen the character of Islam in the academic environment. With the support of this technology, PTM can more easily internalize Islamic values in various aspects of education and reach more students to participate in AIK-based character development programs.


In addition, implementing technology in superior cluster PTM also increases efficiency in the academic evaluation and reporting system. The academic evaluation process previously done manually can now be carried out faster and more accurately through a digital-based system. For example, automated grading systems allow lecturers to provide faster feedback to students so they can immediately know their academic progress and make improvements if needed. In addition, a transparent academic reporting system allows students, lecturers, and education staff to access academic data more easily, thereby creating a more accountable academic culture.


The success of PTM clusters excelling in adopting technology also reflects their ability to face the challenges of globalization and digitalization in higher education. By utilizing technology optimally, PTM can increase its competitiveness at the national and international levels. The use of technology not only provides benefits in terms of administrative efficiency but also expands students’ access to education. Online lecture programs, virtual-based seminars, and learning management system-based learning systems are solutions for students who want flexibility in the teaching and learning process without being limited by distance and time.


However, although the application of technology has provided various benefits for superior cluster PTM, several challenges need to be overcome to ensure the sustainability of this system. One of the main challenges is human resources' readiness to adapt to new technologies. Not all lecturers and education staff have enough digital skills to optimize the technology-based academic system. Therefore, regular training and mentoring are needed so the entire academic community can make the most of this technology.


In addition, technical constraints such as uneven network infrastructure in several regions also need to be considered. Some students from areas with limited internet access may experience difficulties accessing the online academic system, which can hinder their learning process. To overcome this problem, PTM needs to develop an inclusive strategy to reach all students, such as providing internet access facilities in the campus environment or developing a hybrid learning system that combines online and offline methods.


Overall, the application of technology in supporting communication systems and organizational governance in superior cluster PTMs has had many positive impacts on creating a more modern, inclusive, and transparent academic environment. With an online-based academic information system, an efficient internal communication platform, and an application that supports AIK values, PTM can increase the effectiveness of institutional management and provide a better learning experience for students. However, to ensure the sustainability of this system, continuous efforts are needed to improve the digital literacy of the academic community and overcome technical obstacles that still exist. With the right strategy, superior cluster PTM can continue to develop as an Islamic-based higher education institution that is adaptive to the development of the times and still maintains its Islamic identity.


3.3. Integration of Technology in Communication and Academic Governance


The superior cluster’s Muhammadiyah Higher Education (PTM) has applied various technologies to support the communication system and organizational governance. Implementing digital technology, such as online-based academic information systems, internal communication platforms, and applications supporting the values of Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah (AIK), has increased information dissemination and academic coordination efficiency. This technology allows openness in academic reporting, transparency in the evaluation system, and acceleration of access to important information for all stakeholders. With the support of this technology, PTM can create a more modern and inclusive academic culture.


The online-based academic information system implemented by the superior cluster PTM provides convenience for students and lecturers in accessing academic information quickly and in real time. Students can see lecture schedules, academic evaluation results, and academic policies that are being implemented without having to experience delays in information. In addition, lecturers and education staff also have more flexible access to academic administration management, such as grade input, student attendance monitoring, and the preparation of lecture materials. With this system, PTM can ensure that the academic process runs more efficiently, transparently, and with minimal administrative errors.


The internal communication platform developed by the superior cluster PTM also plays an important role in strengthening the interaction between organization members. Through technology-based applications, communication between leaders, lecturers, education staff, and students can run more smoothly and structured. The online discussion feature provided allows for faster and more effective information exchange. In addition, the use of this platform also allows for a reporting and feedback system that assists institutions in evaluating policies that have been implemented. Thus, communication within the institution becomes more participatory and responsive to the needs of the academic community.


In the context of Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah (AIK) values, the PTM Superior Cluster has also developed various digital-based applications to support internalizing Islamic values in academic life. Some of these applications include online AIK learning modules, digital-based Islamic study systems, and platforms that facilitate da'wah activities in the campus environment. With this application, students and lecturers can more easily access Islamic materials and participate in activities, strengthening their Islamic-based character. This technology helps PTM maintain its Islamic identity while accommodating the development of the times in higher education. In the context of organizational effectiveness, research by Van den Ende and Van Marrewijk (2018) found that rituals can increase the credibility and legitimacy of organizational policies and accelerate the process of adaptation to change (van den Ende & van Marrewijk, 2018).


In addition to the benefits in academic and communication aspects, implementing technology in superior cluster PTM also greatly contributes to increasing transparency in the evaluation system. A technology-based evaluation system allows students to obtain their assessment results faster and more accurately. This system allows lecturers to provide more systematic feedback on students' academic performance so that they can understand their weaknesses and strengths in the learning process. Transparency in this evaluation system also ensures that the entire assessment process is carried out objectively and fairly, without bias or administrative errors. According to Pfeffer (1992), organizational politics is an unavoidable phenomenon in any organization and greatly influences employee behavior. Study by Vigoda-Gadot and Drory (2006) (Buckner et al., 2016).


The success of superior cluster PTM in applying technology also impacts increasing efficiency in managing institutional resources. Technology makes financial management, campus facility management, and administrative systems more structured and effective. With an integrated digital system, PTM can reduce administrative workload previously done manually, thus allowing education staff to focus more on other strategic tasks. Thus, the application of technology in superior cluster PTM improves academic quality and strengthens the institution's overall management efficiency. These findings support this study, which shows that organizational politics can be a factor that affects employee loyalty and work productivity (Shabbir et al., 2022).


However, although technology adoption has positively impacted superior cluster PTM, several challenges must be considered to ensure its sustainability. One of the main challenges is the readiness of human resources to operate and utilize technology optimally. Not all lecturers and education staff have enough digital literacy to adapt to technology-based systems that continue to develop. Therefore, training and mentoring programs are needed to improve the digital skills of the academic community so that they can optimize the use of technology in their academic and administrative activities.


In addition, technological infrastructure is also an important aspect that needs to be considered when developing digital systems in superior cluster PTMs. Some institutions still face obstacles regarding stable internet access, especially for students from areas with limited technological infrastructure. To address these challenges, PTM needs to develop an inclusive strategy that ensures that every student has equal access to a digital-based academic system. One of the solutions that can be implemented is to provide better internet access facilities in the campus environment and develop a hybrid learning model that allows a combination of online and offline methods. Research by (Almeida et al., 2016)Ferris et al. (2005) shows that the perception of organizational politics is closely related to job satisfaction and employee involvement.


Overall, applying technology in communication systems and organizational governance in superior cluster PTMs has brought many benefits, such as creating a more modern, inclusive, and transparent academic environment. The lack of training for day workers makes them not get the same understanding of organizational culture standards, which ultimately creates differences in work ethic and loyalty to the institution (Thamhain, 2004). With an online-based academic information system, an efficient internal communication platform, and an application that supports AIK values, PTM can increase the effectiveness of institutional management and provide a better learning experience for students. However, to ensure the sustainability of this system, PTM needs to continue to develop strategies that focus on increasing the digital literacy of the academic community and strengthening more equitable technological infrastructure. With the right approach, superior cluster PTM can continue to develop as an Islamic-based higher education institution that is adaptive to the development of the times without leaving the identity and values that are the main foundation.


3.4. Human Resource Development as an Organizational Priority


Other findings show that Muhammadiyah Higher Education (PTM) in the superior cluster pays great attention to human resources (HR) development. Institutions in this category have various capacity-building programs, such as leadership training, academic workshops, and support for educators and education personnel to continue their studies to a higher level. This commitment to human resource development aims to ensure that lecturers and education staff have competencies in developing the increasingly dynamic world of higher education. The results of this study support the findings that show that employees who feel unfair in the distribution of resources tend to show lower performance (Abun, 2022). By improving human resources' quality, superior cluster PTM can create an adaptive, innovative, and highly competitive academic environment.


Jalaliyoon and Taherdoost (2012) highlight the importance of performance evaluation in higher education institutions to ensure sustainability and competitiveness in the f(Jalaliyoon & Taherdoost, 2012). Transformational leadership, which emphasizes intrinsic motivation, long-term vision, and academic staff empowerment, has proven more effective in creating an innovative and productive academic environment. Felício et al. (2013) argue that social entrepreneurship and transformational leadership are important in creating social value that impacts organizational performance in the non-profit sector (Felício et al., 2013). 


Leadership training is one of the flagship programs designed to equip lecturers and education staff with the managerial and leadership skills needed in managing higher education institutions. In the study of organizational culture, (Joseph et al., 2021)Joseph and Kibera (2019) found that organizations with a structured ritual culture have a higher level of loyalty and engagement from their members (Joseph et al., 2021). Through this program, participants gain insight into effective leadership strategies, data-driven decision-making, and how to build a collaborative and results-oriented work culture. Thus, educators play the role of teachers and leaders who can develop institutions in a better direction. The success of this program is reflected in the increase in the number of academic staff who can occupy strategic positions in the campus environment, both as heads of study programs, deans, and leaders in various academic and administrative units. The Haibo study (2022) shows that transformational and transactional leadership styles significantly influence organizational performance in higher education institutions in China (Haibo, 2022).


In addition to leadership training, academic workshops are an integral part of the human resource development strategy in superior cluster PTMs. This workshop is designed to enrich lecturers' skills in aspects of teaching, research, and scientific publications. In an increasingly competitive academic world, the ability of lecturers to conduct quality research and publish their research results in internationally reputable journals is very important. Therefore, PTM superior clusters actively organize training on research methodologies, academic writing, and effective scientific publication strategies. With this workshop, the number of academic publications from superior cluster PTMs has increased significantly, thus increasing institutional rankings at the national and international levels. Exemplary-based leadership (uswah hasanah) is highly emphasized when developing lecturers and education staff. This is in line with the findings of Sopiah et al. (2021), which show that a strong and value-based organizational culture has a high correlation with improved performance and commitment of organizational members (Ulfa & Salamah, 2017).


Support for educators and education staff to continue their studies to a higher level is also the main focus of the human resource development policy in superior cluster PTMs. The institution provides various scholarship schemes, research grants, and partnerships with overseas universities to help lecturers and education staff pursue higher academic degrees. With this support, PTM superior clusters can increase the number of lecturers who have doctoral qualifications and improve the quality of education personnel who have professional competence in the field of academic administration. This program also creates a long-term effect in increasing the competitiveness of PTM graduates, as they receive guidance from teaching staff with higher qualifications and academic experience. This is in line with the research of Ghumiem et al. (2023), which found that a structured organizational culture significantly impacts work effectiveness and innovation in organizations (Ghumiem et al., 2023).


In addition to improving the quality of teaching, this human resource development program also positively impacts employee loyalty and motivation in supporting the achievement of the vision and mission of the institution. When educators and education staff feel that they have the attention and support of the institution, they tend to be more loyal and motivated in carrying out their duties. The sense of ownership of the institution is also increasing, thus creating a more conducive and collaborative work environment. Studies show that institutions with good HR development policies tend to have higher labor retention rates and better productivity. Thus, PTM superior clusters focus on improving academic quality and the welfare and professional development of educators and their education staff. The results of this study show that a moderate level of organizational politics can improve individual performance, but if it is too high, it can reduce work motivation (Albloush et al., 2025).


However, even though the human resource development program in the superior cluster PTM has shown positive results, several challenges still need to be overcome so that its implementation can run more optimally. One of the main challenges is ensuring that every educator and education staff has the same opportunity to access this program. In some cases, limited time and workload are obstacles for lecturers and education staff to take part in training and continue their studies. Therefore, PTM needs to design a more flexible strategy, such as providing online training programs, a more adaptive academic leave system, and incentives for those active in competency development. This is consistent with the findings in this study, which show that high levels of organizational politics can hinder employee work effectiveness (Rahman et al., 2011).


3.5. Collaboration and Synergy between Departments


One of the main strengths in the organizational culture of Muhammadiyah Higher Education (PTM) superior clusters is a work environment that supports collaboration between departments. A structured cross-departmental work program allows for synergy between faculties, research, and community service units. With a good cooperation mechanism, PTM can increase the effectiveness of research, expand the range of community service activities, and ensure that the academic process runs more dynamically and is oriented towards a real impact on the surrounding environment.


Collaboration between departments in superior cluster PTM occurs not only in the form of academic programs but also in aspects of research and community service. In research, cross-disciplinary integration allows academics from different fields of study to work together to develop more comprehensive and applicable innovations. For example, the collaboration between the faculty of engineering and the faculty of health has resulted in various research related to Islamic-based medical technology, which can ultimately benefit the wider community. In addition, Islamic-based research is also growing by involving the faculty of Islamic religion in cross-disciplinary discussions to ensure that each research finding is in line with Islamic values.


Academic forums and regular discussions involving various parties are important means of ensuring active involvement in strategic decision-making. This discussion is not only limited to the academic scope but also covers aspects of institutional governance, improving the quality of education, and human resource development strategies. Through these forums, university leaders can absorb the aspirations of various elements of the academic community, including lecturers, education staff, and students. Open communication makes the resulting policies more inclusive and acceptable to all parties involved. This approach also increases a sense of ownership and shared responsibility for the policies that have been set.


Furthermore, collaboration between departments also positively impacts increasing institutions' competitiveness at the national and international levels. With cross-departmental cooperation in research and scientific publications, the number of publications produced by superior cluster PTMs has increased significantly. In addition, collaboration with various foreign institutions is further strengthened through lecturer and student exchange schemes and research collaborations with international partner universities. This shows that superior cluster PTMs are not only able to create synergy within the institution but also establish wider academic relationships at the global level.


While cross-departmental collaboration has provided many benefits, some challenges still need to be overcome to ensure the sustainability of this collaboration. One of the main challenges is creating an effective coordination system between academic and administrative units. In some cases, differences in work culture and priorities between departments can hinder achieving shared goals. Therefore, a more systematic coordination mechanism is needed, such as forming a cross-departmental team with a special mandate to coordinate cooperation programs. With a better coordination system, each unit in PTM can more easily adjust to the collaboration strategy that has been set.

4. Discussion

The discussion in this study focuses on three main aspects of the organizational culture in Muhammadiyah Higher Education (PTM) superior clusters: transparency in managing financial and institutional resources, collaboration between departments, and technology integration in academic and administrative processes. These three aspects are important in creating accountable institutional governance, improving operational efficiency, and building an inclusive and innovative academic environment. Transparency in financial management is the main factor in ensuring that every resource PTM owns is managed with high accountability principles. An open financial policy allows the allocation of funds for operations, research, and community service to be carried out effectively and by the institution's needs.


With a transparent reporting system and periodic external audits, PTM can build trust from various stakeholders, including the academic community, donors, and institutional partners. In addition, openness in financial management also impacts increasing efficiency in using the budget, thus allowing institutions to allocate resources more optimally to support academic development and improve the quality of education. Meanwhile, collaboration between departments is one of the main strengths in building synergy between faculties, research units, and community service units. With a structured cross-departmental work program, PTM can increase the effectiveness of research, expand the scope of community service, and ensure that the academic process runs more dynamically. Academic forums and regular discussions involving various parties also play a role in strengthening coordination and ensuring that every institutional policy is made considering the various perspectives in the academic environment. This synergy increases academic productivity and encourages innovation in various research and institutional development fields.


Furthermore, integrating technology in communication and academic governance is important in supporting the effectiveness of information dissemination and internal coordination. Implementing online-based academic information systems, internal communication platforms, and applications based on Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah (AIK) values has enabled PTM to create a more modern and inclusive academic environment. This technology allows for openness in academic reporting, transparency in the evaluation system, and acceleration of access to important information for all stakeholders. With adequate technological support, PTM can ensure that every element in the organization has equal access to relevant information, thus creating a more democratic and participatory academic ecosystem. Although the implementation of transparency, collaboration, and technology integration has brought many benefits to superior cluster PTM, several challenges still need to be overcome to run more optimally. One of the main challenges in implementing financial transparency is how to ensure that all work units within the institution have the same understanding of the accountability standards applied.


In some cases, differences in administrative capacity between units can cause inconsistencies in financial reporting, so there is a need for more systematic training and assistance for education personnel involved in budget management. In addition, obstacles in coordination across departments are also a challenge in ensuring that cooperation programs can run effectively. In some situations, differences in priorities between faculties and academic units can hinder the expected synergy, so a more systematic coordination mechanism and strong leadership are needed to encourage productive cooperation. On the other hand, technology integration also faces challenges regarding the readiness of human resources and supporting infrastructure. Not all educators and education personnel have adequate digital skills to operate a technology-based academic system, so a continuous training program is needed to improve the digital literacy of the academic community.


5. Conclusion


The conclusion of this study confirms that transparency, collaboration, and technology integration are the three main pillars of building a strong organizational culture in superior cluster PTMs. Transparency in financial management ensures accountability and increases stakeholder trust through an open reporting system and periodic audits. Collaboration between departments encourages synergy in research, teaching, and community service, creating a more dynamic and productive academic environment. Meanwhile, integrating technology in the academic and administrative systems improves communication efficiency and transparency in academic evaluation. However, challenges such as gaps in administrative capacity, differences in priorities between faculties, and digital infrastructure readiness still need to be overcome. With the right strategy and the support of all stakeholders, superior cluster PTM can continue to develop as a professional, innovative, and sustainable Islamic-based higher education institution.


6. Implication


The implications of this study show that transparency, collaboration, and technology integration in the organizational culture of superior cluster PTM have a significant impact on institutional governance, improving academic quality and stakeholder trust. By implementing a transparent system in managing institutional finances and resources, PTM can create a more accountable and professional academic environment. Openness in financial reporting allows stakeholders, including students, faculty, education staff, institutional partners, and donors, to know how funds are being used effectively. This impacts increasing trust in the institution and strengthening the reputation of PTM as a university with good governance. In addition, transparent financial policies allow institutions to allocate resources more efficiently, ensuring that available funds are used to support academic development, research, and community service.


Regarding collaboration between departments, the implications are increasing research and community service effectiveness. With cross-disciplinary cooperation, superior cluster PTM can produce more applicable research that has a wide impact on society. Integration between the faculty of engineering and the faculty of health, for example, can produce innovations in medical technology based on Islamic values, which are beneficial to the academic world and the needs of the wider community. In addition, the synergy between the research unit and the community service unit allows the implementation of research results to become a real solution that can be applied in community empowerment programs. Another implication is forming a more dynamic and participatory academic environment, where lecturers and students have greater opportunities to engage in interdisciplinary projects that enrich their academic experience. However, challenges in this collaboration remain, especially in terms of coordination and differences in priorities between departments. Therefore, policies encouraging cross-faculty cooperation through joint research incentives and more effective communication platforms are needed.


Overall, this study's implications point to the need to strengthen institutional policies that support transparency, collaboration, and technology as part of the long-term strategy of superior cluster NCDs. By ensuring that transparency policies are implemented consistently, strengthening cross-departmental collaboration mechanisms, and optimizing the use of technology in the academic system, PTM can continue to grow as a globally competitive, Islamic-based higher education institution.



Author Contributions: All authors contributed to this research.


Funding: Not applicable.


Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Informed Consent Statement/Ethics Approval: Not applicable.



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