Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 17 November 2022
Increasing the Human Development Index Through the Rural Community Literacy Improvement Program
Rahma Muti’ah, Mulkan Ritonga, Budianto Bangun
Labuhanbatu University North Sumatera Indonesia

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Pages: 44-54
Keywords: Human Development Index, Literacy, Indonesia
The Human Development Index (HDI) can be increased in various ways, one of which is the community literacy improvement program. Literacy and literacy, cultural and civic literacy, numeracy literacy, financial literacy, digital literacy and scientific literacy are proven and highly effective in promoting the efforts to increase the Human Development Index. The six basic literacy are not only effectively applied to the world of formal education, but can be actualized in society in general. This study involved 56 communities representing each hamlet in one village determined by purposive sampling technique with certain criteria. The results of this study indicate that improving literacy, cultural and civic literacy, numeracy literacy, financial literacy, digital literacy and scientific literacy are proven to increase the Community Development Index. Improving literacy skills is carried out by providing various kinds of basic training according to community needs. The basic training provided can stimulate the community to be more concerned with developments in the surrounding environment.
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