Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 19 November 2020
Implementation of Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 of 2013 in Improving the Performance of Female Employees at South Sulawesi Provincial Government Offices
Muhammad Tamar, Fatmawati, Sukinah
Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia

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Pages: 1001-1009
Keywords: Lactation, Multiple Roles, Government Employees
Policies on the importance of lactation space in the workplace already exist, but the implementation of this policy still faces many obstacles and even many workplaces do not understand the importance of these facilities. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of the lactation room policy in accordance with PERMENKES No.15 of 2013 concerning lactation room facilities to increase the performance of female employees in the scope of work of the South Sulawesi Provincial Government. This type of qualitative research with 50 initial informants and 2 additional informants. The results of the research are the implementation of the PERMENKES No.15 2013 policy regarding lactation room facilities in South Sulawesi Provincial Government Agencies has not been implemented in accordance with existing regulations, and there are even some agencies that do not have these facilities at all. Funding support is still focused on infrastructure, lactation room facilities have not become a major priority but it is different in Maros Regency where policy makers are very concerned about gender, as evidenced by the number of lactation room facilities equipped with Polyclinics and Child Care Centers. And there is a commitment from the Regent of Maros who wants to make Maros Regency a child-friendly regency. These facilities greatly affect the performance of employees, this is felt not only in the employees themselves, but also by the leadership as policy makers.
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