Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 18 July 2022
Gold Mining Impacts and Corporate Social Responsibility: Corporate, Community and Government Reflection
Taufik, Y., Arimbawa, P., Zani, M.
Haluoleo University, Indonesia

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Pages: 7-17
Keywords: CSR, Charity, Capacity Building, Community, Enviromental
The implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes in Indonesia still largely involves charity to the community or efforts to earn a good name in the wider sphere. This is most especially the case in gold mining, where both large companies and community mining use hazardous materials such as mercury which cause various types of environmental damage. This study aims to look at a series of CSR activities that have been carried out by the company, whether these activities have successfully completed the impacts caused by mining activities. In-depth interviews with informants from all groups were conducted. The results showed that various CSR activities carried out by the company have not been designed to improve the impact caused by gold mining activities, nor CSR programme has not yet had an impact on increasing the capacity of the community; most CSR activities were still charity or inducements to the community or elite groups. Some facts also show the demonstrable result of the use of mercury which has had an impact on public health as well as disruption to people's livelihoods, due to damage to the previously clean water sources.
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