Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 04 November 2024
Gender-Based Violence in Bangladesh’s Garment Industry: Analyzing the Causes and Impact Resulting in Victimizing Female Workers
Warefta Rahman, Jannatul Ferdous
Jagannath University (Bangladesh), Comilla University (Bangladesh)

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Pages: 78-88
Keywords: Gender-Based Violence, Garment Industry, Bangladesh, Female Workers, Workplace Harassment, Labor Rights, Socio-Political Impact
The paper analyses the causes and consequences of GBV in Bangladesh's garment industry, focusing on how such violence disproportionately affects female workers. The study will investigate the system's ills within the sector, societal attitudes, and workplace environments that foster victimization. Data analysis on workplace harassment, exploitation, and unsafe working conditions will provide insights in this paper on the broader socio-political and economic impacts of GBV in this sector. It also discusses recommendations for policy reforms and legal protections that could be put in place to safeguard female workers.
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