Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 18 March 2023
Facilitator of Technology Business Incubation Activities Requires the Ability to Run the Role and Function of Public Relations
Panjianto, Sri Hastjarjo, Ignatius Agung Satyawan
Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

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Pages: 142-150
Keywords: Facilitator, Public Relations, Incubation, Tenant, Startup
Technology business incubators (TBIs) are designed to help startups or tenants become independent entrepreneurs through a series of integrated services. In this service, the incubator assists tenants through a facilitator who acts as a communication link. Facilitators maintain the quality and quantity of communication between incubators, tenants, and stakeholder partners. This reflects one of the roles and functions of PR in carrying out the role of communication facilitator. This research uses descriptive and comparative qualitative methods with a purposive sampling technique. The research case study was conducted at a government technology business incubator by interviewing facilitators who play a role in the collaboration and incubation functions. The facilitator becomes a conduit for information from the incubator to the tenants so that communication runs smoothly. In addition, the facilitator also facilitates tenants' efforts to build collaborative partnerships with stakeholder partners. The facilitator needs to have the capacity to carry out the role and function of public relations as a communication technician, communication facilitator, and problem-solving facilitator. Technology business incubator assistance is improving thanks to the facilitator's role and function in public relations.
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