Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 17 August 2023
Design Concept of Candi Tebing at Pura Dalem in Singapadu Village, Gianyar Bali, Indonesia by Approaches of Archaeotourism, Culture, and Ecology
I Nyoman Widya Paramadhyaksa, Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra, I Gusti Agung Bagus Suryada,
Made Prarabda Karma
Udayana University, Ngurah Rai University

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Pages: 140-155
Keywords: Design Concept, Approaches of Archaeotourism, Culture, Ecology
Central Singapadu Village is a traditional Balinese village that has been designated as a new tourist village in Gianyar Regency, Bali, Indonesia. This village has many potential objects that can be developed into tourist attractions. One of the architectural objects to be developed is the Pura Dalem Adat Negeri complex. In the area of this temple complex there are historical remains in the form of sacred ancient statues. In the north and northeast of the temple site bordering the banks of the Oos River there are also archaeological remains in the form of holy springs; paths and buildings of the Pettirtan gate; As well as ancient cliff temples which are currently in a poorly maintained state. This article is a summary of the results of a study on the concept of arranging archaeological objects in the temple complex which will be made as a historical tourist attraction in Central Singapadu Tourism Village. The study was carried out by taking into account the historical and security aspects of the site, culture, architectural value, rituals, activity patterns, sacredness of objects, preservation efforts, and the principles of developing archaetourism at the site by considering suggestions from village leaders.
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