Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 17 November 2021
Contribution of Lifestyle Related Shaming in Drug Relapse Management in Indonesia
Muh Ardila Amry, Adrianus Meliala
University of Indonesia

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Pages: 69-79
Keywords: Shaming, Reintegrative, Stigmatitative, Drug Relapse, Crime
In the statistical calculation of the National Narcotics Board of the Republic of Indonesia or so called BNN, there were 70% of drug offenders with the status of drug relapse in 2019 reached (BNN: 2019). Such condition illustrates that the social rehabilitation mechanism for drug offenders in Indonesia still has the opportunity to present shameless people. Therefore, this study is intended to observe the significance of Lifestyle Related Shaming as an effort to reduce the number of drug relapses in Indonesia. Lifestyle Related Shaming is supported by 3 (three) macro theories, namely reintegrative shaming theory proposed by John Braithwaite, desistance theory proposed by Farral and routine activity theory proposed by Hiddlenlang The literature review method was applied here through the utilization and effort to develop an existing theory (grounded theory) by presenting certain concepts (variables) in accordance with the affordability of study data. In addition to qualitative approach, this research also performed a quantitative approach through survey method among respondents who experienced drugs relapse in Indonesia as well as in-depth interviews with drug relapse residents with various backgrounds and educational levels at the Center for Drug Rehabilitation of the Republic of Indonesia at Lido Bogor. It is expected that this study may provide a broad understanding to the government to prepare the best program for solving the drug relapse phenomenon, especially drug abuse in Indonesia. For the science, this study is expected to be a basis for the implementation of shaming in Indonesia. Furthermore, this study is also expected to be able to provide input in the process of drug relapse management in Indonesia, especially in an effort to prevent residents from falling into a shameless condition.
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