Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 12 October 2023
ASEAN-China Cybersecurity Cooperation: Challenges and Opportunities
Iqbal Ramadhan
Universitas Padjadjaran, Universitas Pertamina

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Pages: 1-10
Keywords: ASEAN, China, Cybersecurity, Cooperation
Southeast Asia's technological achievements and economic prosperity have become the key drivers of the development of both regional and worldwide dynamics. As an organisation that represents all Southeast Asian member countries, ASEAN, as one of the region's primary actors, plays an essential role. ASEAN's attempts to fulfil its objectives include engagement with important partners outside of the area, termed "ASEAN Plus." China is one of ASEAN's key regional allies. In this scientific essay, the author wishes to comment on the potential and problems that ASEAN-China face, notably in establishing cybersecurity collaboration. Cyber security is a serious concern in Southeast Asia. The expansion of the digital economy is assisting Southeast Asia's economic progress. On the one hand, China invests in artificial intelligence and profits from open commerce in Southeast Asia. However, ASEAN lacks policies and a framework to combat cyber threats, which are akin to non-traditional threats such as drugs, human trafficking, and terrorism. In this article, the author expands on cybersecurity challenges such as the lack of cyber threat mitigation policies and the Southeast Asian region's large technology disparity. The author also examines the opportunities for ASEAN and China to expand their cybersecurity cooperation. Cooperation between ASEAN and China can focus on developing cybersecurity rules, increasing human resource capability, and transferring technology.
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