Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 13 December 2024
Analysis of the Relationship between China's "One Country, Two Systems" and the Chinese National Community
Yang Liao, Li Meng
South China Agricultural University (China), Guangdong Research Center of Rural Policy (China)

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Pages: 152-165
Keywords: “One Country, Two Systems,” Chinese Nation, Ethnic Process, Political Identification, Economic Integration, Social and Cultural Identity, Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Fujian Taiwan Zhang Honghua Ethnic Community Construction Pilot Zone
As a great initiative of socialism with Chinese characteristics, "One Country, Two Systems" not only successfully solved the governance problems after the return of Hong Kong and Macao but also profoundly influenced the national process of the Chinese nation. This paper explores the profound impact of "One Country, Two Systems" on the Chinese nation in terms of institutional arrangements, political integration, economic integration, and social and cultural exchanges. It analyzes its promoting role in the political identity, economic process, and social and cultural identity of the Chinese nation and advocates the establishment of the "Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Fujian Taiwan Zhang Honghua National Community Construction Pilot Zone" to promote the construction of the "One China" for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Through in-depth analysis of the practical effectiveness of "One Country, Two Systems," this article aims to stimulate further thinking and discussion among experts and scholars on the relationship between "One Country, Two Systems" and the Chinese national community.
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