Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 04 March 2024
An Approach to the Performance of Passport Services through Workload and Work Environment: Study at the Wonosobo Immigration Office
Budy Mulyawan, M. Ryanindityo, Agung Purnomo, Alvi Syahrin, Wilonotomo, Ifatul Afifah
Immigration Polytechnic (Indonesia), Directorate General of Immigration (Indonesia)

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Pages: 158-168
Keywords: Workload, Work Environment, Performance of Passport Issuance Services
This study aims to identify the effect of workload and work environment on the performance of passport issuance services at the Wonosobo Immigration Office. Workload is defined as a series of tasks that must be carried out by a work unit within an organization or by an individual who serves in a position within a certain period of time. Meanwhile, the work environment is defined as a place where a worker completes his duties in accordance with the goals to be achieved. There is a mismatch in the number of human resources in passport services compared to the high level of passport applications. The research method used in this research is quantitative method. Data collection was carried out through observation and distribution of questionnaires. Sampling using total sampling techniques, and data analysis was carried out using a Likert scale. The data analysis technique applied in this study is using multiple linear regression data analysis techniques. The results of data collection show the significance of workload of 0.32 and work environment of 0.21 greater than 0.05, which means that there is an influence of workload and work environment on employee performance in passport services. This study recommends increasing the number of human resources and improving the work environment to improve the performance of passport issuance services.
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