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Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute
Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute

Journal of Health and Medical Sciences

ISSN 2622-7258

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open access

Published: 09 May 2023

Exclusive Breastfeeding Coverage Increase Using Breastfeeding Readiness Scale

Ayi Diah Damayani, Intaglia Harsanti, Susan Delilah, Ridayani

Poltekkes Kemenkes Pangkalpinang (Indonesia), Gunadarma University (Indonesia)

journal of social and political sciences
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Pages: 16-21

Keywords: Breastfeeding Readiness Scale, Exclusive Breastfeeding, Self-Efficacy


Exclusive breastfeeding is an indispensable need for baby. However, the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding still becomes an issue. This study aims to develop self-efficacy measurement tools for breastfeeding mothers in Central Bangka Regency, Indonesia. This study was a mixed method research with a total of 72 test respondents. The research was started from June to November 2021. The process and analysis used alpha Cronbach and SPSS application version 24. Based on the results of the CVR (Content Validity Ratio) test, all 20 items are considered to have a CVR above 0.8. The results of the item discrimination test on the breastfeeding readiness scale show 19 items had good discriminatory power and 1 item failed. The reliability coefficient on the prosocial behavior scale has high value consistency and stability. The early breastfeeding readiness scale can be used to assess the level of readiness of mothers in the breastfeeding process. This scale is practicable for all mothers, both those who have had children/given birth and those who are still in the pregnancy.


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