Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 20 December 2023
“Yummy” Snakehead Sausage: Analysis of Nutrient Content and Acceptability of Fish Sausage in Lake Sentani Jayapura
Sri Iriyanti, Budi Kristanto, Nia Budhi Astuti
Poltekkes Kemenkes Jayapura

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Pages: 220-228
Keywords: Fish Sausage, Nutrition Content, Organoleptic, Acceptability
Sausages are processed meals with two changes based on the composition and the formulation. The trend of consuming sausage increases annually both at national and international levels. The most common ingredients of sausages are beef and chicken. On the other hand, fish and snails could also become the ingredients as found in Japanese practices. This research determined the influence of the fish type on the nutrition contents, such as the water, ash, protein, fat, and carbohydrate; and the acceptability of fish sausage. The researchers carried out the research at the Food Laboratory of the Nutritional Department, the Integrated Laboratory of Polytechnic of Health Ministry of Jayapura, and the Mathematics and Science Laboratory of Universitas Cenderawasih. This complete random research design applied some factors to investigate, such as the formulation of the fish. The applied formulations were: F1 with 90% fish meat and 10% flour; F2 with 80% fish meat and 20% flour; and F3 with 70% fish meat and 30% flour. The researchers used some meats from Nile tilapia, snakehead, and flower horn cichlid fish. The researchers analyzed the nutrition content and found differences among the carbohydrate, water, and ash contents from all the fish. On the other hand, the protein and fat content of each fish were not significantly different. The organoleptic test found that the F3 category was the most preferable fish meat. The acceptability test found that 95.6% of respondents consumed all given samples. The researchers concluded that the fish sausage from snakehead fish, with a ratio of 70% fish meat and 30% flour, had the best organoleptic feature, excellent acceptability, and all the nutrition requirements suggested by Indonesia's National Standard of Fish Sausage.
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