Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 06 May 2018
The Joint Effect of Competitive Strategies, Business Environment and Corporate Image on Performance of Large Manufacturing Firms in Kenya
Ndung'u Consolata, Ogutu Martin, Yabs John, Njihia James Muranga
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (Kenya), University of Nairobi (Nairobi)

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The main objective of the study was to determine the joint effect of competitive strategies, business environment and corporate image on the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. This study was guided by positivist philosophy and adopted a descriptive cross-sectional survey on the population of 139 large Manufacturing firms. By using a questionnaire data was collected. 75 questionnaires were returned, and only 72 could be used. Percentages, mean scores and standard deviations were some of the descriptive statistics used to describe the findings. Correlation and regression analysis were used to test the hypothesis. The results of the joint effect of competitive strategies, business environment and corporate image on the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya were statistically significant. The regression coefficient statically revealed that competitive strategies, business environment, and corporate image influenced the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. The combined influence of the three variables (competitive strategies, business environment, and corporate image) was greater that the predictor influence of variables on the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study concluded that the large firms stand a better position of achieving good performance if they pay attention to all predictors than when they focus on all variables.
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